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Y/N - your name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address


Today is when we do the singing for our homework. The song I chose describes me quite well right now. I chose a song called Silent scream by Anna Blue. It's a good song.

Laurence's P.O.V

'I think I'm going to tell Y/N how I feel today.' I think as I walk to school. 'The song I chose is perfect to do just to tell her. But I chose the other song for my homework but after school I'll sing the song for her!'

~time skip to your song~

"Y/N, it is your turn." The teacher said. I walk up to the front and start. "Hello I'm Y/N obviously, and I chose a song by Anna Blue. The song is called Silent Scream."

(I'm not going to put the lyrics sorry.)

I finished and immediately sat back down in my chair. "That was wonderful Y/N. Now it's-" I just tuned out at that point.

~time skip to lunch~

Lunch! Amazing. Time to eat and get asked if I'm ok. I walked in and sat down at an empty table because I couldn't see Travis or Katelyn or even Laurence. Until I heard a tray being put down next to me. "Hey Y/N." Travis said. "Hi...... where's everyone else?" I ask. "Oh Katelyn is practicing her volleyball I think. Garroth is getting surrounded by girls again. Dante is flirting with some girls. And Laurence said that he had to do something for a minute before he came to lunch."

~time skip to after lunch~

"C'mon Y/N we're going to be late for class." Travis said. "One minute I need to get my book out of my locker." I say walking to my locker. I open the locker and two notes came out. The first one said.

Dear Y/N,
                   Meet me outside the school at the fountain after school. I have something to say.


The name was scratched out. I opened the second one. That one said.

Hi Y/N, I'm coming for one of your loved ones again. Can you guess who it is before they die. Probably not. My little godchild will suffer losing everyone and everything. You have until tomorrow that I strike. See you soon darling. Also the only way for this to stop is for you to die.

From Kate.

No, no, no. This can't happen.

~time skip to after school~

I went out to the fountain and saw.......................... Laurence? "Hey Y/N. So you did get my note." I was still confused. Why didn't he just ask to talk to me. "Hey uh what did you want to tell me?" I asked. "Um well just listen to this song. It will explain more or less." He said and started singing.

(Ignore the picture.)

He stoped singing and looked at me. "Sooo, who's the lucky girl? *gasp* Is it Garroth?!" You say and start laughing. "No! It's not him. Y/N. It's you. Will you uh, be my g-girlfriend?" You were shocked. You could feel the heat rise to your face.

You snapped out of your trance with a smile and hugged him. "Of course I will be." You answered. However because you hugged him you also pushed him in doing so. So you both ended up soaking wet. You two just laughed. "Hey Y/N you ready to g- what happened here?!" Travis said. "I um I pushed him into the fountain but he um grabbed my hand and pulled me in with him. Hehe." You say. Laurence then whispered something in your ear and you nod in response. "Travis me and Y/N are now dating." Laurence said. "About time." Travis said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I just saw the way you two looked at each other. I could see love in both of your eyes." Travis explained. "I have a question. Can you two kissssssssss." Travis added. "Um no." You bluntly said. "Why not. We've kissed before." Laurence said. "That was different." "Pleeeeaaaasssse." Laurence gave you the puppy dog eyes. "Fine." And you kissed. It was long and passionate. And Travis took a picture and sent it to everyone in the school saying. They're finally dating!

——————————————————yay this is the last chapter but I'll post what happens after this.

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