The Small Change

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour


We were half way through the day. Me and Travis were walking into lunch discussing the songs and things. As we walked in we saw Katelyn and Laurance wave at us. But I was a bit just a bit nervous because Laurance and Katelyn and Laurance were sitting with different people I didn't know. 'And I just got used to having Katelyn and Laurance as my friends!' I shouted/moaned in my head. I looked at Travis but he just smiled and gave me a lite push towards them. There was lucky a seat in between Katelyn and Laurance so I say there and didn't talk much. ''Y/N, great to see you again.'' Laurance said happily. ''Laurance I have a question and a statement. Has anyone ever told you that you don't have the greatest memory?'' I ask. ''Because I literally saw you last night.'' I said in a sassy way. (A/N: IDK I just wanted to write that.) ''so, aren't you going to introduce yourself?'' Katelyn asked. I shook my head frantically. ''Fine, I'll do it for you. So this is Y/N, Y/N this is Garroth the blond doofus and Dante the blue haired one and I don't even want to describe him.'' Katelyn said face palming. ''Hey Y/N, I'm Dante but you can call me any time you want.'' Dante said winking at me. I then whisper into Katelyn's ear so they can't hear me. ''I understand why you didn't want to describe him.'' I whispered but they could still hear me. ''Hay! I heard that.'' Dante said pouting. ''Oh I'm sorry, but I'm glad you did.'' I say all sassy again. ''Haha i like this one, Laurance you really do know how to pick the best girls.'' Garroth said. ''H-hu w-what's that supposed to mean!'' I ask. ''It means that we like you, you seem cool.'' Garroth answered. ''Cool, her, ha sure she is!'' Travis said starting to laugh. ''TRAVIS! Really? I swear I'll come over there an-'' my words were cut off by a quick announcement 'can Y/N L/N please report to the office.' I hear that and I got a little worried.

I walked in the office and was so nervous. ''Ah Y/N, don't worry, you're not in any trouble there's just bean a small change to your schedule. You now have Art after lunch and werewolf class after that. Hear you go, and have a great day.'' the principal said, handing me my new schedule. ''OK, thank you.'' I say leaving. I got back to lunch and as soon as I sat back down the bell rang




Travis's P.O.V

''Ugh c'mon, I hardly ate anything.''   Y/N moaned. ''I didn't know you whined like a baby when your hungry.'' I jokingly said. ''Watch what stuff comes out of that mouth buddy, because if you didn't know I'm a great fighter and you know that because you have watched me beat up the toughest people in middle school. And I'm even better at fighting when I'm hungry so be careful.'' She said with anger in her eyes. ''So what class dose everyone have next?'' Laurance asked changing the subject. Garroth and Katelyn had art. And me, Laurance and Dante had bio 101. But Y/N had magics next. ''Aww I'm all alone.'' Y/N said with sadness in her voice. ''don't worry. What do you have after magics?'' Laurance asked. ''Uh I have art after that.'' Y/N answered with a little hope that someone she knew would be in art. "that's great, I have art last as well.'' Laurance practically tolled the world with how loud he shouted. ''Well I better get going to magics, bye!" Y/N said running off.


While I was walking to magics, I see a group thing tagging the wall with a s and a k. "H-hay! S-stop that!" I demanded. But thanks to me being shy they thought I was weak. ''Ha, what are you gonna do bout it." the leader, I think he was anyway, said. " I-I'll go g-get a t-teacher." I said nervously. ''ha do it but I bet you won't be able to even walk there after I'm done." he said smirking evilly. "yeah, you tell her Gene." the girl said. "Sasha shut up." the boy said. "NO ZENIX I LIKE TALKING!" Sasha shouted. "both of you shut up, but first let's give you a nickname. Let's see how about puppy. Yeah well call you puppy. Now you look weak so easy pray. He then punched me right in my stomach. I fell from the punch but got back up puting on my game face. He then tried to punch me again but I caught it. He then tried to kick me but I grabbed his foot and flipped him. While he was on the floor he looked at Sasha and Zenix who them nodded and started to come closer to me and...
Oh what is gonna happen I don't know jk I do but from now on is you see numbers at the bottom hear then that's the word count, OK? OK bye!


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