Another school day

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Y/N - your name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address


~skip to Monday~

I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, dried my hair and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Hey Y/N, how long you been up?" Travis asked. "I've been up for about half an hour. How long have you been up?" "I've been up a couple hours. Come and eat." Travis said. I sat down and saw that we were eating pancakes. "Dad let me make breakfast today and I decided to make pancakes. Hope you like 'em." Travis said. I took a bite out of the first pancake and it was amazing. "Wow Travis. These are the best pancakes I've ever had!" I said. "Thanks Y/N." Travis said. Teri was currently looking at the time. "Look at the time you two better get going to school." Teri said. "But dad we still have another fifteen minutes till we have to leave." Travis said. "But I have to get to work earlier today, you can eat your pancakes on the way to school. Now go and get your bags."

We left the house and we were halfway to school and I completely finished the pancakes. "Hey Y/N." Travis said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you know anyone called Aphmau. Travis asked. "Yeah actually. Why?" I questioned. "Because she's right there." "Really." I looked over to were he was looking. Aphmau really was there. "Hey Aphmau!" I shouted. This caused her to look around and then she saw us. "Hey Y/N, Hey Travis!" She then came over to us. "Y/N you can call me Aph. Anyway how was your weekends!" Aph asked. I was just silent and Travis looked at me sadly. "We don't really want to talk about it. Y/N is it ok if I tell her later?" Travis asked. I nodded. "Ok well you guys were amazing at the Valentine's Day dance. All I done was listen to you guys and eat some food." Aph said. "Heh thanks. Hey Travis what did you do at the dance other than sing." I questioned. "Oh I just talked to Dante and Aph. What did you do?" He asked me. "I danced with someone." I said leaving them not knowing. "Let's see if we can guess it Travis." Aph said. "Was it Garroth?" Aph asked. I shook my head saying 'no'. "Was it Dante?" Travis asked. I shook my head once again. "Oh I think I know who it was." Aph said looking at Travis. "Was it Laurence?" Aph said. "I don't know." Was all I said. "Hey look we're at school now." I said.

Laurence's P.O.V

I couldn't stop worrying about how     Y/N was all weekend. I'm just sitting at the fountain waiting for her to ask how she's doing.

"Hey look we're at school now." I heard someone say. I looked over at the direction the voice came from and it was Y/N. I walked over to her and asked her a simple question. "Hey Y/N how are you doing." "I'm fine Laurence don't worry." She said. I could tell she wasn't. The natural sparkle in her eyes were gone and were replaced with dullness. Her beautiful smile, It wasn't how I remembered it. Her voice, it wasn't as gentle and soft. And her T/C tail wasn't moving as much. "Are you sure?" I managed to asked. "Yes I'm fine." She said walking away. "I can tell she's not." I said to Travis. "What happened over the weekend?" Aph asked. "Her dad was murdered." Travis bluntly said. I then heard Aph gasp. "Wait so the means she's now an orphan?" Aph asked. "Well she got adopted by my dad that same night." Travis said. "So that makes you her step brother. And makes her your step sister." Aph said. "Yeah and that's why she's been so sad." I said. "Wait dose she live with you now?" Aph said looking at Travis. "Yeah she dose but we had a spare room so that's her room now." Travis explained.

~mini time skip~


I was at music now and we were studying an artist. "Ok class so today you're homework is that you are to find out things about your favourite singers and then preform one of there songs up here in three days." The teacher said. Then the bell went


Yay now it's gym. I walk if to the girl locker rooms. When I was there I saw a girl. She had white hair but I couldn't see her face. She turned around and it was Sasha. "Hey puppy." She said walking; up to me. "Uh hi." I say backing up only to realise that, she was leaving the locker room.

~time skip to lunch~

Laurence's P.O.V

It was lunch time and I was trying to think of how to do the music homework because I have more than one favourite singer. I'll think of something. Then I heard someone sitting next to me. "Is this seat taken." Y/N asked. "Yea." I answered. "By who may I ask?" She asked. "By you. How are you doing now." I questioned. "Laurence, I told you I'm fine. Trust me." Y/N said. "Are you absolutely positive that your ok? If you are then look me in the eyes and say it." I said. So she looked me in the eyes and said these exact words. "Laurence, I'm fine. I'm ok, and you don't need to worry." She said. "Y/N, I can tell your lying. The happiness in, well, you is gone. Some is still there but most of it is gone." I said. Tiers started to show in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. "Ok Laurence, if you say so." She said starting to eat.

The bell was about to go and I had witch craft next.



I now had werewolf class then art. Mr Gavin was definitely the teacher I was closest too. I got up and started to walk of to werewolf class but I bumped into someone. It was Sasha again. But she was just well, happy? To see me. I don't know.

I got to class slotted early so I was one of the first people there. There was only that jerk if a guy that gave me that scar. I looked at him and it looked like he had apologetic in his eyes. "Let me guess, Aph told you what happened?" I said. "No what happened?" He asked. "Heh like I would tell the guy who gave me this giant scar what happened." I said showing him my scar. He stared wide eyed at it. I just ignored him and sat in my seat. Because I was early, I pulled out my drawing pad and started to draw something out of my mind.

I didn't notice I was using some of the magics I learned in class on the first day. I had my eyes closed and my hand over the paper I was drawing on and my other hand drawing exactly what I had in my head. I also didn't notice that a lot more people came in and started to watch me. I then stopped as I heard a voice. "Ok everyone settle down. Y/N please stop using magic in class." He said. That brought me out of my trance. I opened my eyes and saw that it was the picture of me, my mom and my dad. The same picture that was in the locket. "Sorry mr Gavin." I say putting it away. "So today we are learning..." and I blanked out for the rest thinking about my parents that are now dead.


The bell went signalling next period. Next was art. Even though I was down about my parents, I still loved art.

Laurence's P.O.V

It's art now and Y/N just walked in. When she walked in I saw the light that was normally in her eyes again. But it only lasted 5 seconds. "So class. Today we are doing to be drawing. But we are going to be drawing another one of our classmates. Now let's see. How about... you Laurence." Teacher said. "Oh ok." I said going up and sitting on a stool. 'I was hoping I could talk to Y/N during this.' I thought to myself.

As soon as I know it. School ends. I never even got to talk to Y/N after school.

——————————————————hi hope you liked it. Sorry there were so many P.O.V changes. Next couple of chapters I think you will enjoy a lot more. Anyway see you later byeeee! :)


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