The Huge Surprise

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour


I was just watching them come closer to me but when they were about to grab me I ran. I ran as fast as I could to magics. I huffed and puffed while I walked into magics. Because the teacher was cool she didn't mind anyone being a little late so I was lucky. Suddenly my phone went off. I looked at it and it was Travis.

(A/N: T: Travis & Y: you)

T: hay what did you say you had after magics?

Y: I said I have art, Y?

T: IDK mabby I forgot. Anyways I got art after as well so you wanna meat outside the magics room to walk to art together?

Y: Yeah sure. Gtg bye.

T: bye

Well, I wasn't expecting that but OK.

~time skip~

"finally class is over, but I did enjoy it, however I already new all the stuff she taught us." I sighed. I then pulled out my phone because I got a text from Travis.

T: hay we're outside the magics room.

I didn't reply to it but I just walked out. "Hay Travis, you didn't tell me Laurance would be hear." I said pointing at Laurance. "well I thought you would've known because he's got art as well." Travis replied.

Travis's P.O.V

We then start walking. But Y/N was faster than us so she was ahead by quite a bit.


I turned a corner and out of nowhere Sasha and Zenix grab me and Gene punches me. I couldn't block it because I was being held. When he punched me Laurance and Travis turned the corner.

Travis's P.O.V

Laurance tried to stop Gene, Sasha and Zenix but I stopped Laurance. "she can handle this on her own trust me, also we should probably take a few steps back." I whispered to Laurance. We took a few steps back. Suddenly smoke started to appear around Y/N. I could tell Laurance was confused but then the smoke went away and we could see Y/N again.

Laurance's P.O.V

The smoke went away and I could see Y/N again but I was confused about her.
(A/N: new E/C - ear colour. And   T/C - tail colour.)
Y/N had E/C werewolf ears and a T/C tail. I was shocked then I just saw her rip out of Sasha and Zenix' grasp and fought them. I was truly scared. When she finished with them, she started to walk over to Gene and was throwing punches left and right then started kicking him. Then she stopped to look at them. Guilt and sorrow flowed over her face she then started apologising like crazy. "S-STAY AWAY FROM US!" Gene shouted running away. Y/N just sat there with her ears pressed against her head. She then changed back to not having ears and a tail and then started to cry. I was still in shock.


I started to cry then I looked up to see Laurance staring at me and Travis siting next to me about to hug me. I didn't hug him back. Once he let go I got up and started to run in the opposite direction we were going. Everyone was staring at me. I then made it out side next to the bleachers. I sat next to them still crying. I then herd a voice. "Y/N! What are you doing out her!?" I recognised that voice, it was Katelyn. I just looked up at her and stayed silent. I them got up not crying anymore and started to walk home. "Y/N, wait up were are you going?" Katelyn asked. "Home." was all I said. "but you can't, you have art now." Katelyn said remembering. "I'm skipping." I said with an emotionless voice. "but why?" she asked. "please just leave me alone!" And with that I started to run home.

~time skip~

I made it home about an hour ago and the doorbell went. I opened the door and you'll never guess who was there. It was Travis AND Laurance. I immediately. Closed the door but Laurance's foot stopped it. "Y/N, please, let us in. I know how you are in this state. So please." Travis's calm voice said. "find you can come in." I said. "no, I'll come in if Laurance can come in too." Travis said a bit harsher. "F-fine." I open the door so they can come in. They already know the layout of the place from coming hear to practice the songs that we're writing. I sat down on the couch and the boys sat down next to me, so i was in the middle. "Y/N, the reason I brought Laurance hear is because he has some questions he wants to ask you. But I'm hear to comfort you and help you." Travis softly said. "OK, so what's your first question?" I asked Laurance.
-----------------------------------------------------------did you enjoy that? I hope you did. Next chapter is about some questions Laurance has. But because of that it might be a bit shorter. Any way bye, bye.


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