Getting Ready For The Valentins Day Dance

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address


The Valentine's Day dance is in one week and we've prepared for it. I'm currently with Travis and Laurence in my room. We were trying to figure out what we had missed out. "We've got the music and some songs we're doing but I can't place my finger on what we're missing." Travis said. We thought to ourselves and then it hit me. "We have nothing to wear to the dance. Principal Chad said we had to dress up!" "That's right." Travis said. "How about we go out to the mall tomorrow and get new outfits?" I asked. "Sure." Laurence said. "Ugh every time I go to the mall with you, you always take forever picking something out. Wether it's clothing or food or even candy, you always take forever." Travis whined. "But this time is different." I said. "You say that every time and I decide to go with you and you take forever." "But this time it will be different. If I take to long then tell me or better yet, help me." I say. He gave in and I heard a "fiiiinne" come from Travis's mouth. "Yay." I said in response. Hey did I tell you that my face and wounds have healed now! Well they did but because of the Peace of glass I now have a scar on the side of me. But hey I'm healed. Garroth decided that because I was better he went home but Laurence was still worried about me so I let him stay for longer. Anyway it was currently Friday after school.

~mini time skip~

"I'm sooooo bored." I complained. I was upside down on the couch in between Laurence and Travis. "Then stop complaining and do something fun." Laurence suggested. "Like what?" I asked. "I know let's bake cupcakes." Travis said. I jolted right up and ran straight into the kitchen. "Come on then let's start baking cupcakes!" I said getting all the ingredients out. "Hey Y/N, I think I'll just eat them. I don't really want to bake right now." Travis said. "Only people who help get to eat them." I said. "Ugh Fine I'll help." Travis said.

~mini time skip to going to bed~

We decided to have a sleepover me Travis and Laurence. It was fun but now we are going to sleep. "Hey Travis how long have you known?" I asked. "Known what?" He asked. "That I sing in my sleep because you've seen me sleeping many times." "I've known for about 4 years now." He answered. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because you rarely ever sing in front of me if you know I'm listening and hearing you singing just calms me." He replied. "Well all you have to do is ask me now because I'm not that nervous about it anymore." I'm pretty sure we forgot Laurence was in the room as well. We were all in the same room but we were all sleeping on the floor to make it fair for Travis. "Hey Y/N I-" he got cut off from hearing small snores coming from Laurence. "Well he must have been tiered." I slightly laughed. However my laughing is pretty loud so I accidentally woke Laurence up. "What happened?!" He asked shooting up. I just started to laugh more and so did Travis. "What's so funny? What did I miss?" He questioned. We calmed down a bit. "Nothing." I said. "We should get to sleep now." I said. "Alright. Goodnight people." Travis said. "Goodnight." Laurence said. And with that darkness!

Travis's P.O.V

We said goodnight and we watched Y/N immediately fall asleep. We knew she was properly asleep because we heard her singing a song. I think it was a song that she wrote but I wasn't to sure.


~time skip to morning~

I was once again, the last one to wake up. But waking up last means you don't have to make breakfast. I took a deep breath through my nose and immediately smelled pancakes. I ran down stairs to find a fully dressed Laurence and a shirtless Travis. I forgot Travis only wears pyjama pants when he goes to bed. At this point I've gotten used to it. "Hey guys. What's for breakfast?" I asked already knowing what it was. "I know you can smell it, even I can smell it and we saw you running down the stairs." Laurence said. "So dose that mean I can't ask questions?" I asked. "No you can ask questions just don't ask stupid questions." Laurence said. "Growing up my dad said 'no question is a stupid question'" I said. "Fine just eat." Laurence said putting the plate of pancakes in front of me.

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