A Bully?

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number


School just ended. I was taking a short walk alone before I went home. I went to the park that was pretty close too the school. I walked around for a bit but then sat down on the park bench. I was on the phone to Travis because I was board. Then someone came over to me. "Travis I'm gonna stay on the phone but you need to be silent." I said on the phone. "hu why?" he questioned. "just trust me and listen closely." I said putting my phone in my pocket. The person that came up to me was that Gene person. "I thought I said to stay away from me. I don't want to hurt you again." I said looking him in his eyes. "Hello to you too puppy. And we are allot stronger than a couple of weeks ago." he said staring down at me. "oh and we're not afraid of you puppy." "please don't call me that." I said. "Call you what? Oh you mean puppy. Heh get up." he said pulling me up from the bench. I've been practising not showing my wolf ears and tail during fights now, and I can do it but I can't show them yet. "c'mon. Let's go somewhere more privet." he said dragging me off not to deep into the woods. "why are we going in the woods?" I asked, he stayed silent. He pushed me into a tree. I fell down when he did that. Because I fell down Gene got Zenix and Sasha to hold me against the tree. "what are you going to do to me?" I asked a little scared to be honest. "Shut up puppy." he said punching me in the stomach. I let out a small yelp from my inner werewolf. "let's try and turn that yelp into a scream, shall we?" he said grinning evily. He then started to punch and kick me and it turned into him beating me up. "look at you now puppy. Nothing to help or protect you. You probably don't even have any friends anymore. He said punching me square in the face. "your sick, you know that right?" I said. "I thought I told you to shut up." he said punching me right in the stomach once again. This time after many of his punched and kicks, he finally got me to scream. "Y/N! That's it I can't help hearing this I'm coming right now." Travis said through the phone. I forgot I had it on speaker phone so Gene heard Travis. Gene just stood there staring at me. "so, you do still have friends. I'm done with having fun." he said, but then punched me one more time and knocked me out, and just left me there.

Travis's P.O.V

"Dad! I'm going to the park!" I shouted. "why!" Teri shouted back.      " Y/N is in deep trouble." I shouted running out the door. I'm first going to go get Laurance because I can't do it on my own.

~mini time skip~

I knocked on Laurance's door and he opened it. "hay Travis what's, AHHH! Travis what's going on? Why are you dragging me?" he asked. "Y/N is in deep trouble at the park!" I answered. "what! How?!" he asked. "no time to explain. We need to get to the park soon!"

~time skip~

"where is she!?" Laurance asked. "in the woods." I answered. We ran into the woods. We split up to look for Y/N. We looked for about ten minutes until I found her. "LAURANCE! I FOUND HER!" I screamed so he could hear me. She was bleeding badly, I could see Laurance. "WE NEED TO GET HER TO YOUR HOUSE!" Laurance shouted. We lifted her up and started to run back to my house.

We made it back to my house and burst through the door. "Dad, get the first aid kit!" I shouted. "why, did you find Y/N?" "YES NOW GET THE FIRST AID KIT!" we treated to Y/Ns wounds. They were pretty bad. After about four hours Y/N was starting to wake up. Laurance was still there because we were both really worried. "Laurance look, she's starting to wake up." I said quietly. "Hm, where am I? And why do I hurt so much?" she asked. "Do you not remember?" I asked. "no." she responded. "well your in my house right now and you got beaten up by Gene." I said. "oh yeah. Now I remember." "wait GENE did this to you?!" Laurance asked. "yeah. Wait how long have I been out? And what time is it?" she asked. "You've been out for four or so hours and it's 7:12 PM." I answered. "I gotta get home but thanks for helping me out." "I'll walk you home. I need to get home anyway." Laurance said. "OK sure let's go. I'll see you later Travis." Y/N stood up and immediately fell over luckely Laurance caught her. "Thanks Laurance." Y/N said.


We walked out of Travis's house with Laurance helping me walk. "hey Y/N? Is it OK if I stay the night. It's just because I think you'll need my help." "sure." "also Y/N, tomorrow do you wanna do the thing to get your ears and tail to show again?" "if tomorrow is OK with you then uh yeah. Also next week is the assembly and I wanna show everyone what I am. And by that I mean I want to show my ears and tail."
-----------------------------------------------------------so uh did you like it? I hope so um I'm not too sure what else to say so uh see you later.


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