The Ritual

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone numuber


School went by quite quickly. I was still pretty sore after yesterday. But then I remembered that I'm doing the ritual. I went home to get everything we needed and called Laurance.

Y:hay Laurance. Still doing the ritual?
L:yeah. When are we doing it?
Y:Would now be OK?
L:Sure. I'll be right over.

If I'm being honest, I'm really nervous. We're going to go into the woods to do the ritual because no one can see us or it won't work.

Ding dong

The door bell went, I opens the door and standing there was at tall boy called Laurance. Well he's tall compared to me. "Hay Laurence. I'm just getting my book with the words that I need to say in it." I said rushing upstairs. "I'll just wait here!" he shouted to me... "I've got it. Right let's go." I said running down the stairs. "Were are we going?" he questioned. I face palmed. "we're going to the woods at the park. Because it has to be done were no one can see us silly." I said looking the door as we left.

We made it to the woods and I set everything up. I used twigs I found to do the outline of it. "OK so I've set it up. You stand in that half of the circle and I'm too stand in this half. Now I need to say the enchantment." I spoke the words but they were in a different language so Laurance didn't know what it meant. I told Laurance how it was meant to be done. I said that once I had said the enchantment then he was to kiss me for it to work and it had to be as soon as I finished speaking. I just finished speaking and Laurance kissed me. It was a very passionate kiss. I could tell because in my dream my mom said that I would get a weird feeling in my stomach if it was, and I did. It lasted about ten seconds, which was a little longer than it was meant to be. Also I was a blushing mess. "so uh, I now have to wait one hour to see if it worked so wanna come to my house after I scatter the twigs?" I asked whilst picking up the sticks and throwing them in all different directions. "Sure, what will we do?" "I don't know. We could watch Netflix? We could make cupcakes? We could just sit around and do nothing?" I said exiting the woods. "Wanna make cupcakes?" he asked. "Hay, I asked you first. But yeah. Let's make cupcakes."

~mini time skip~

I got everything we needed to make cupcakes. I put some of the ingredients in a bowl until I came to the flower, we forgot to get the flower out. Laurance helped me find it but I found it on the other side of the kitchen. The bag was open already from last week when I made cupcakes. So I had to be careful. However some fell out.


I slipped and fell to the ground causing all the flower to go all over me. Laurance tried to help me up but he also fell but he fell... He fell on top of ME! OMI! Why dose this happen to me! Of course me being the awkward one I am I blushed super hard.         "H-hay..." I said awkwardly. "Hay." he said. "Do you mind g-getting of            p-please." I asked. "No I'm fine in this position." Laurance laughed playfully. "Laurance look at the time. I think I should try to show my ears and tail now." I said pushing him off. I went upstairs to try and show them. I told Laurance to stay down stairs. "LAURENCE! GET UP HERE NOW!" I shouted. "What's wro-" he cut himself of. "It worked. It really worked!" I said jumping up and down.

Laurance's P.O.V

Wow it really worked. I was in awe as I saw Y/Ns beautiful E/C ears and T/C tail. "wow it did work. That's great!" I said. I was truly happy for her.
----------------------------------------------------------- Well you finally got to show your ears and tail on command just in time as well. Sorry I haven't been updating much I've got writers block. Ugh anyway I'll see you later. Bye.


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