Part 21

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address

Laurence's P.O.V

We were halfway to Y/Ns house when I heard very quiet singing. I looked around and there was no one other than Garroth and I. Then Garroth tapped my shoulder. "What?" I asked. "Shh." He said pointing down at Y/N so I looked at her and she was asleep but she was singing. I never knew she could sing in her sleep. She was singing random things like 'when the pain hit me' and other stuff about pain.

We got to her house and her keys were in her pocket so Garroth carefully took the keys and unlocked the door. We set her in her bed and took turns watching her we would swap every ten minutes to explore the house a bit more and then we both just sat in her room watching her.

Then her eyes slowly opened. "Hey Y/N good to see you awake." Garroth said. "Did you know you sing in your sleep?" I asked. "Yeah I found out a couple of days ago. Apparently I've sang in my sleep since I was a baby even then I only sang little tunes. But according to my dad when I sing in my sleep I sing how I am truly feeling or I sing a couple of songs. The day I found this out was last Friday and Lucinda, Kawaii~chan and Teony all sent me a video of me sleeping and sining. I haven't listened to them yet so would you like to listen to them with me?" She asked. "Sure." Garroth and I said in unison. "Ok so I'm to play Kawaii~chans first then Teonys then Lucinda's." The one Kawaii~chan sent her was her singing about a guy being perfect but he'll never accept her. The one Teony sent her was her singing about how her friend were the best. And the one Lucinda sent her was about how She's not good enough. "I think I'm going to go downstairs and get a drink of water."Y/N said. "No I'll go get you a drink and bring it up here." I said.

Y/Ns P.O.V

I have never felt like that at all in my life. Except for my friends being the best.

~time skip to going to sleep~

"Hey um, Y/N. Where are we supposed to sleep?" Garroth asked. "Oh um, we have a guest bedroom right next to my room. But it's only got one bed. Is that ok?" I ask. "Yeah that's not a problem." Laurence said. "Goodnight Y/N." Garroth and Laurence said in unison. "Goodnight you guys." I said getting under my covers and went to sleep.

~time skip to morning~

I woke up way earlier than normal because I heard something from the guest room. 'It's probably just them talking' I thought to myself. I then looked at the time on my phone.      4:12 AM. I just got up because there was no way I was going to get back to sleep now. I threw  the covers off of me and tried to stand up, but fell onto the floor with a 'THUD' and then I heard footsteps coming to my door. I tried to get back into my bed but failed. "Y/N what are you doing up this early and let me help you back up." It was Laurence. "I woke up because I heard whispering from the room you and Garroth are staying in." "You heard that!" Laurence said surprised. "Yeah my hearing is a lot better than many werewolf's however the whispering was a little muffled so I couldn't really understand it." I said honestly. "Anyways I was just about to try and take a shower but I fell on the ground." I say. "Here, I'll help you get to the bathroom." Laurence said. "Thanks."

~time skip~

We had breakfast and went to school. Garroth and Laurence helped me walk so it wasn't as painful. We got to school and I looked over at the fountain and saw Travis. Then Travis saw me and ran over to me. "Y/N what happened!?" Travis asked. "I got thrown out a window." I said. Before he could respond, the bell went.

~mini time skip~

"Can Laurence, Travis and Y/N report to the principals office. I repeat can Laurence, Travis and Y/N report to the principals office." I got a little scared when I heard my name. I was currently in music with Travis and Laurence. Travis helped me out my seat and they both helped me walk. We got to the principals office and knocked on the door and heard a loud "come in!" We went in and saw principle chad. "Ah hello kids Valentine's Day is about a month and we're doing a Valentine's Day dance and we need singers for songs. We have asked the music teacher two choose his best students for this job and he chose you three. You can only sing songs to do with love because it's called the Valentine's Day dance. You can sing songs that already are made or if you want you can write some more songs. It is entirely up to you. If you have any questions please ask them now." Principal chad said. "Will we still be able to dance?" Laurence asked. "Yes but at least one of you still has to be singing." Chad said. "Are we aloud to take requests for songs?" Travis asked. "Yes you are." "Do we have to dress up fancy?" I asked. "Not too fancy but yes you have to dress up." "Do we have to go with someone?" I asked again. "No you don't but you can if you want to." "Do we have to dance?" I asked AGAIN. "No you don't have to dance but again you can if you want to. Now if that's all of your questions then you are dismissed." Principal chad said. We walked out the principals office and Travis said. "Wow Y/N, you had a lot of questions." "Well I want to be prepared." I said and continued walking.
——————————————————-I hope you enjoyed. Next chapter might be out on Valentine's Day or maybe a little before I don't know.


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