The Assembly

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone numuber

~time skip to two days later~


It's the day before the assembly and Laurance and Travis are over to practice one last time. "OK, I think we've got it down. Y/N. I think you're going to do well. Just try not to be nervous." Travis said looking at me. I just nodded and smiled. "OK travis, I'll try. It's getting late you two should get going home." I say looking at the time. "yeah I should get going. Bye Y/N, bye Travis see you tomorrow." Laurance said walking out the door. "Y/N. Can I stay the night? It's been awhile since we've done that." Travis asked. "yeah sure. Do you have everything you need?" yeah I've got it in my bag just like you." "Copy cat." I said under my breath. "Hay! I'm no copy cat!" he shouted. "yeah yeah, let's just go to sleep." "I'll get changed in the bathroom." Travis said. I went to my room and got changed. Travis was taking forever. I forgot he took forever getting changed. So, I got on my bed and grabbed my pillow to throw at him when he came in.


"come in!" he came in and as he opened the door a threw it hitting him right in his face. "Hay! Why did you throw that!?" he asked. "because you took to long. Let's get to sleep." I got in my bed and he got in his sleeping bag.

~time skip to morning~

Travis's P.O.V

I got up before Y/N and decided to get dressed and surprise her with pancakes. I got dressed in the bathroom and done my hair, then went down to her kitchen. "where is her flower? She has only got a little flower left, I wonder where it's all went. Well it's enough for some pancakes." I say to no one. I'm making pancakes for her because I don't want her to be nervous about today.


I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I immediately ran down to find some on the table next to Travis. "Hay sleepy head. Sorry I never made any pancakes for you." I immediately ran up to him with my hands in a fist and punched his arm. "You know I love pancakes. Not as much as cupcakes but I still love them." I say without breaking eye contact with him. "I forgot you get like this in the morning. But don't worrie I made you some. I was only joking." he said. "YAY. Your the best." I say hugging him. Gees I can change so much so quickly.

We ate and headed to school. On the way there we went to pick up Laurance.
He came out already ready to go so he just walked out to us. "Hay Y/N, hay Travis." he said. "hay Laurance. Let's get to school."

We got to school and I was pretty happy. Until Travis said something. "Hay Y/N, your doing pretty well considering the assembly is first thing today." he said that and my smile broke. "Wait it's FIRST!?" I shouted. Then I became a nervous wreck like always. "Y/N. Just stay calm. It's gonna be fine." Laurance tried to calm me down and I eventually was calm. We walked in and got set up before everyone was in.

Genes P.O.V (you weren't expecting that were you)

I was in the hallway with Sasha and Zenix skipping the dumb assembly when a teacher came up to me. "Gene, Sasha, Zenix. At least go to the first assembly of the year. We will let you skip the rest of the day if you do." "how about for a hole week we get to skip? That or no deal." "But Gene... Fine. Deal." they shook my hand and we went to the dumb assembly.


I was gaining some more confidence before we started but then, Gene kicked the doors open and him, Sasha and Zenix came running in. "WE'RE HEAR LOSERS!" Zenix shouted. "This assembly better be good or-" he cut himself of when he saw me and smirked. "I think we'll sit in the front row." he said. The front was full but all he had to do was just look at the first three people and they ran. We were about to start when I got nervous again and Travis could tell because I was breathing heavily. "Hay Y/N it's OK. You CAN do this." he said. "yeah. Yeah I can do this." I said confidant again. Then the assembly started. (A/N: in this speech say it really fast.) "Good day everyone today was meant to be an assembly but the music department wanted to turn it into a concert so hear you go!"
"so first of all we wrote all the songs and we're the only ones doing it so we hope you enjoy." Laurance said. As he said that I could hear girls gawking over him and growling at me. I just ignored them. I was to focused.

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