getting uniforms

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food


It's the last week of summer and I'm just waking up at 9:39 AM to go get uniforms for phoenix drop high with Travis and Teri but I woke up late. ''Oh no! I was supposed to leave at 9:45. I've only got 6 minutes to get ready!'' I say panicking. I get dressed and brushed my hair and my teeth I didn't have time for breakfast so I quickly made a sandwich and ran out the door with it in my mouth. I ran very fast and see them about to get in their car but Teri sees me before he gets in his car. ''Y/N! Glad you could make it!'' Teri said smiling while opening the car door for me to get in. ''Glad I came in time!'' I say a little out of breath. The hole way we were in the car it was silent except from the radio and us all singing to it. It was a short car ride so only two or three songs came on.

~time skip~

Travis's P.O.V

Me and Y/N are outside waiting on my dad getting our uniforms. All we did was talk and lay in some grass. ''So    Y/N, are you excited for highschool?'' I ask. ''Of course I am, but.'' she answered. ''But?'' I questioned. ''Well I'm excited yes, but I'm also really nervous. New school, new people, new teachers and lots more, I can already tell I'm gonna be a nervous wreck in highschool and to top all that of I'm probably gonna be the shyest person in that school.'' she answered honestly staring into the sky. ''Don't worry, you've got me to help save you if you become a nervous wreck in front of someone.'' I reassure her. ''Heh thanks Travis, your the best.'' Y/N thanked me.
Then Teri came out with our uniforms.


''Hey Teri, back so soon.'' I say. ''Yeah there wasn't meant people getting uniforms. Any way let's go!'' he said.

~time skip~

I'm back at my own house getting ready for bed (because it's 10:50.) I was about to go to sleep when I get a text from my dad.

Dad: hey sweetie I just want to say I won't be home until dinner so I'm gonna bring home F/F for dinner I'm so sorry about this but I love you.

Y/N: love you too dad good night and thanks.

Dad: night sweetie Sweet Dreams.

I then put my phone down and went to sleep.
Sorry this was so short but next chapter is the first day of Phoenix drop high.

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