pas de deux

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     pas de deux: noun
a dance for two people, typically a man and a woman

'Partner up!' my teacher said.

I looked around as Jimin approached me.


'Hi, kitten.' he said in a low tone.

'Kitten?' I questioned, lifting my brow.

Our conversation was cut short when Mr. Alexander gave us the combination. I tried to concentrate on myself when the pianist worked his deft fingers and the dancing began.

Chin up, chest open, stomach taught-

'You don't like 'kitten'?' he whispered from behind and he held my waist.

Goosebumps rose on my skin.

'I prefer Rose' I said as I chasséd around him.

Knees straight, tailbone in, feet winged-

'Too bad, kitten.' there was that low voice again. It almost sounded dark.

At this moment I was so close to him, tension heavy in the air. With shallow breaths, we stared into each others' eyes. My hand gripping his neck, his arm propping up my leg.

I was lost in a pool of brown, and I felt like drowning, unable to concentrate.

'What did you mean yesterday by, 'This isn't over'?' I asked while he spun me around.

'Meet me outside at 10. I'll show you, kitten.'

My eyes fluttered closed as I heard that name roll off his tongue.

I don't know whether I like it or hate it.

'Why at 10?' I curiously questioned.

The music stopped and people began to leave. It seemed like Jimin and I were in our own world, unbothered by the outside.

'Good work today class' Mr. Alexander dismissed. I turned back to Jimin, expecting an answer, but he had already left. No trace of him, or anyone else for that matter.

Guess I'll have to find out for myself.


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I was taking a relaxing bath to calm my sore muscles. Finding myself playing with the pink bath-bomb induced water, I felt restless and a little nervous about meeting Jimin.

Maybe he just wants to get to know me?

It's been so long since I've had feelings for anyone.

Ever since him.

I got out of the tub, draped a towel around myself and started pushing around some of my clothes on the hanging rack. A little note sounded, indicating that I received a text.

wear something sexy


I stared at my phone, biting my lip.

So he's taking me someplace fancy?

Is it too late to cancel?

Yeah, it's almost ten, he's probably done getting ready.

Might as well suck it up and find something to wear...

Now I was absolutely dreading what was going to happen tonight, so I played some music in the background.

I smiled as my eyes landed on an outfit, a simple nude spaghetti with a cream wrap skirt that ended mid-thigh. I accessorized for the first time, not knowing how much jewellery I really had. Not like dancers ever needed jewellery anyway.

I wore some nude lipstick and light blush, before stepping out of my dorm room.

The icy breeze blew into me when I exited my building causing me to shudder and search for Jimin immediately.

All I saw a couple making out and a motorcycle parked in front of the building, but the breeze blew again and I cursed loudly for forgetting to bring a jacket.

'Here, take mine.'

I smelt that familiar scent of his, as a heavy leather jacket was placed on top of my shoulders.

'Oh, t-thank you.' I smiled at him when he came into view.

Has he been standing here this whole time?

Jimin looked like eye candy in a plain t-shirt and jeans that hugged his muscular legs well. He started walking towards the gates.

'So what are we doing?' I asked, following him.

'We're going out, kitten.' he said, without looking at me.



He stopped in front of the matte black bodied motorbike and turned to me.

Red flag, Rose.

'To my favourite place.' he lightly smirked, coming close to my face.

A feeling of excitement and fear vibrated through my body. My feet were glued in place as he came closer, one of his fingers lifted my chin up.

'Um, Jimin, what are you-'

I felt something over my head.

A helmet. He put a helmet on your head, Rose.

Am I stupid enough to think he'd do something more?

Stepping back, he sat on the bike, twisting the keys. The engine roared to life, causing me to jump.

'Hop on.' he indicated with his head.

'I've never been on a motorcy-'

'I know.' he said, with a straight face, 'But you have nothing to worry about.'

Although I had never sat on a bike before, his eyes made me want to do whatever he said. His eyes made me trust him all of a sudden. So I hesitantly got on and wrapped my arms around him.

'Where's your helmet?' I questioned.

'You're wearing it.' he said, before riding into the dimly lit street.

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