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love: noun
a strong feeling of affection.
a strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone.
a great interest and pleasure in something.
like or enjoy very much.

That's love.
All those definitions- they're love.

But the love I felt for Park Jimin?

That was undefinable.

It was all those things and more. He meant everything to me and right now, I didn't care whether he said it back or not.

12 pm

'I'm heading out to get more clothes from the apartment to keep here.', Jimin said.

'Oh, yeah, cool.', I smiled, looking away from the television.

Recently, Jimin and I have been making major progress relationship wise. The monsters he and I were environed by, disappeared the more we spent time with each other.

We did everything together, went on new adventures, experienced so many things. Our comfort place was the isolated area above the city, where he and I first kissed, had our first meaningful talk.


hey stranger, meet me for lunch today?

I was caught off guard, but the message brought a smile to my face.

I should tell Jimin.

Rummaging my closet for a simple outfit, I dialled Jimin's phone, but he didn't answer.

Maybe he's still riding, i'll call him later.

hey, of course! i'll text you the address of this restaurant i've been meaning to try?


got it! see you in a bit!

1 pm

As I walked around the curb, I saw Mateo sitting outside the restaurant at a small table for two.

'Hey!', I greeted, running up to him.

'Rosa!', He stood up and embraced me tightly, lifting my feet off the ground.

My heart swells at the sobriquet.

We sat down, leafing through our menus. As soon as our order was placed, Mateo wasted no time in updating me.

'I'm leaving to Argentina tomorrow, which is why this was such short notice, I'm sorry.'

'Oh, that's no problem, I wasn't busy. So why Argentina?'

'My mamá is not keeping well, I have to go help take care of her for a while, don't know when I'll be back...'

'I'm sorry, Mateo.', I sulked, holding his hand, 'Give her my best wishes.'

Smiling, he scooped my hand, kissing the back of it, 'Thank you, cariño.'

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