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aria: pronoun

12 am

He walked away.
It hurt when he left.
And it'll continue to hurt, because I can still feel his lips pressed against mine, his strong arms holding me. I even miss how the word 'kitten' rolled off of his tongue like silk.

It hurts and I don't know why.

He was never mine in the first place... But, God, I wish he was.

'Stop thinking about him, it isn't worth it.'

Looking at the male figure sitting to my right, I said,

'Taehyung, what did Jungkook mean...?'

Jungkook turned to the side and laughed.

'You're going to end up dead.', he pathetically said.

Taking a deep breath, Taehyung's head hung low, contemplating whether or not to tell me.

After Jimin left me on the street, I broke down crying. Taehyung was out for a smoke and he happened to hear me howling. He hailed a taxi and that's where we are right now.

'Rose...', he sighed, turning towards me.

Taehyung's face was illuminated every time the cab passed a street light. He looked at me pitifully.

'There was this girl named Aria, back in Korea. She used to go to our school, danced in the same class as Jungkook and J. She was a talented girl, brought up by a very good family. Jungkook was head over heels for her, everyone could tell.'

By this time my hiccups and shaky breathing ceased, I was completely attentive to what Taehyung had to say.

'J at this time was part of an underground street dance crew. Those things are really intense. Not to mention, terribly dangerous. Jimin was a part of the same crew and that's how the boys met. They were inseparable. Until the day J and Jungkook took Jimin to meet their dance classmates, where Jimin met Aria. Now... Jimin didn't have the best childhood, he turned out to be an immature, risky, rugged boy who didn't know right from wrong. But Aria was somehow drawn to this.'

As the taxi drove over a speed bump, I was brought back to reality and saw that we were in a completely different neighbourhood.

I don't live here, where are we going?

Before I could ask Taehyung continued,

'Jimin and his playboy tendencies, kept breaking Aria's heart, piece by piece and it was Jungkook who was always there to comfort her. Now, this is where things get bad...'

How does this connect to me? How does this relate to Jungkook talking about my death?

Taehyung shifted in his seat and cleared his throat.

'Jimin made Aria sneak out of her home one night, to come and watch him and his crew dance in a battle. These street battles are illegal. They used to happen on the south side of town, the darker side. It was a complete contrast to Aria, she stuck out like a sore thumb. It was so stupid of Jimin to invite her...'

Taehyung struggled to continue the conversation.

'Jimin didn't show up that night, Rose. That's when his father passed away. There was no battle, the plan was off. But he was so worried about his father's state, he couldn't leave the house... Nor did he remember to tell Aria.'

Uh oh.

'I don't know how she even managed to get there so late at night. I can't imagine how-', Taehyung took a moment to swallow, 'How much she suffered that night.'

The cab came to a halt in front of a gated house. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to see where I was in the dark. Taehyung paid the driver and got out the car, running to my side to open the door for me.

Wait, where am I?

au.n.- his guys! um i'm sorry i didn't upload for a while but i'm gonna be back with super fast updates again! you're going to find out a lot of things about jimin and jungkook soon!

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