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morning: noun
the period of time between midnight to noon, especially from sunrise to noon.

10 am

I woke up feeling good in an unfamiliar room. I took the blanket off of me and felt the soft, large black v neck I was clad in. Looking around the room with squinted eyes I found the walls painted white with an ample amount of sunshine coming through the windows. Contrasting it was a ton of band posters scattered among the walls and a music system, along with albums and CDs were strewn across a table. After snooping around, my feet padded across the dark hardwood floor as headed outside the room.

Jimin's familiar scent was replaced by the smell of coffee. Inhaling the smell I hated, I heard noises of ruffling paper and clanging utensils. I opened my eyes and three people in the room shrieked.



And Jungkook.

'What the fuck?!', I shrieked, pulling the shirt down to cover my legs.

Am I not in Jimin's house? Did I freaking sleep with J or something?! Why did I not put on pants and WHY ARE THEY SHIRTLESS?

'ROSE.' Jungkook said with his coffee mug in hand, eyes big as he exchanged a glance with J, behind him, who dropped the plate he was washing.

As I was thinking about what to say, I noticed Jungkook wearing a pair of loose jeans that hung over his Calvin's and J wearing nothing but his boxers.

Jesus take the wheel.

The door rattled open and we all stared at the man, who was actually the only one fully clothed.

'What?', Jimin asked all of us, unfazed, dropping his keys in the bowl.


I internally swore as I turned around, going back into the room to change. I could hear faint murmuring coming from the outside, the boys clearly talking about me.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

I got changed and hesitantly opened the door to be met with four eyes.

'Um, where's Jimin?', I asked quietly.


'He left...', J said, looking at me apologetically.

But... He didn't even say hello.

'Would you like some coffee?', Jungkook asked, trying to change the subject.

I tried to not cry as I said,

'Oh, um, no, thanks.', before awkwardly leaving.

Did last night mean nothing to him?

I scoured my surroundings, tears pricking my eyes, not knowing where I was. Using the GPS on my phone I walked towards the dorms which were only a couple of blocks away.

I've just been used.

Nothing but a one night stand.

I entered the building and realised I left my bag back at Jimin's apartment.

No way am I going back there.

'Hey, Clare, I left my keys at a friend's house, could I please have a spare?', I asked, looking down at my feet.

Smiling at me, my receptionist gave me a sympathetic look... Probably because she could hear me sniffling.

I unlocked my door and instantly ran to my bed, sobbing into the pillow.

This is what happens when you rush into things, when you're too soon. I hate you, Jimin, for toying with my emotions.

Then again, I'm the one to blame, I've only known him two days and I've already been in his bed...

My father was right.

4 pm

'Why're you wearing so much makeup?', he demanded, clutching my tiny wrist as I tried to pull it away.

I'm only wearing a little lipstick... Everyone does...

'I'm not!', I cried still trying to pull my red hand away.

All I wanted to do was to have fun today, with my friends, who just watch the drama in front of them with shock.

'Only street whores look like this, and now you're one.', he spat at the thirteen-year-old me, letting my hand go as I fled from the scene.

I've never cried more in my life. I've never been more humiliated in life. I've never been lonelier in my life...


I jolted awake at the sound of vibration near me. I squinted to read the message I received from an unknown number.

hey, i have your bag, can i come by in a bit and drop it off?

sure, thank you

Why couldn't you be more like him, Jimin?

   I put a pot of tea on the stove and went to check myself in the bathroom.
Puffy, red eyes, swollen lips and a sad expression stared back at me in the mirror.

Oh, get yourself together, Rose. You don't cry over men.

I washed myself up, combed through my hair and applied some mascara to open up my eyes.

I left the bathroom and switched off the stove upon hearing the whistle, which sounded along with my phone. Thinking it was Jungkook, I picked up.


'Ah, Rose, so about the new place- I was just on the phone with the sweetest lady and she said she was moving out soon so she's looking for buyers.
It's a small studio apartment, not that it matters to you. Anyway, it's situated on the street across that little academy of yours! I'll email you the rest, ciao!'


I sighed, sipping on my tea, just staring the contact that just hung up on me.

'Mom', it read.

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