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ardour: noun
great enthusiasm or passion

It was way past my bedtime. Hair that wasn't encased by the helmet buffeted in the wind, the jacket that was too big for me threatened to fly off, the cool air of the night froze my legs to a numb and I was clutching onto a boy I just met for dear life.

I was supposed to be uncomfortable, I think, but I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed watching the wind dishevel his hair, I enjoyed looking at his structured face through the rearview mirror, I enjoyed holding onto him and feeling his tense muscles. I enjoyed it so much that I screamed in excitement and threw my arms in the air.

I felt his body vibrate against mine as he chuckled in response.

'Are you all right?' he asked over the whooshing breeze that practically deafened us due to how fast he rode.

'Perfect!' I yelled back, smiling giddily.

'Good. Now, I know you don't generally do these things but I thought it might be fun.'

I replied with a simple okay, pondering over where he could be taking me. We got off the bike soon after and Jimin took my hand in his. It felt foreign, but it gave me a kick.

We stopped just under a sign that said 'Dancing'

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We stopped just under a sign that said 'Dancing'.

I've gone dancing before!

[play media]

Loud music was heard from the outside making my heart thump. The bouncer let us in with just a look and my grip on Jimin's hand grew tighter.

People. Everywhere. But it wasn't a normal club. It was different, vintage.

The boys and girls all moving to the rhythm of the music as they partnered each other. One would form a move, the other would copy, trying to get as close to each other as possible. It was sultry and almost carnal. I didn't know this type of dancing, it was alien to me.

I haven't been out dancing like this...

I was suddenly pulled, gasping, as I found Jimin and I were centred on the floor.

He saw the look of fright I gave him, coaxing me, 'Don't worry, I've got you. Just follow.'

Jimin took my arms and wrapped them around his own neck. He palmed my hips and started to move them in figure eights, along with his. One of his legs was between mine, just at my crotch. We were both grinding against each other.

My heartbeat sped, trying to follow along and take in the fact that I was dirty dancing with Park Jimin.

He is so hot.

His mouth was near my ear as his raspy voice sang,

'Pretty girl
Let's take it off, in this room
No time to waste
Girl, you know what we came to do'

Something as simple as his voice turned me on.

Maybe there was something in the air but now I felt a desire for more, for more of Jimin. I was so aroused by his simple movements, begging for more. He seemed to have a cocky air about him, like he knew what he was doing but didn't care. Everyone's eyes were on him, everyone loved watching him move, but I wanted more.

We didn't have to talk, saying everything we needed to say with our bodies and with our movement.

We both knew.

The song was slowing down and Jimin's hand went to the nape of my neck, grabbing a fistful of hair, gently tugging to bring my eyes up to his.

'Do you trust me?' His eyes searched mine for the answer.

'I do.' I said without thinking, without hesitating, without even admitting it to myself first.

I held eye contact with him as he licked his lips. My eyes dropped to his mouth, making my lips part automatically.

'Fuck.' he whispered, gazing at me.

Kiss me already.

Just then the song changed to a more fast-paced one.

'Are you ready?' he smirked.

'Ready for-?'

Before I could finish, I was spun around so quickly, knocking straight into Jimin's hard chest. My body was pressed so tightly against his, I could feel his quick heartbeat.

'For some fun.' he said as he dipped my body in a circular motion.

My hair grazed the floor before he supported my back, bringing me face to face with the devil himself.

'Hell yes.'


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