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jazz: noun
a type of music of black American origin characterised by improvisation, syncopation and usually a regular or forceful rhythm.

[play media 3:45 onwards]

8 pm

The Paris Cat was filled with dashing people and quiet chatter.
A lady in a shimmery white gown stood on the stage, with a brass jazz band backing her up.

Smoke clouds blew into the air, people were formally dressed and whiskey was seen on almost everyone's tables.

I felt a little underdressed in my halter neck leotard and jeans.

But thank God I switched out my sneakers for heels.

Making my way to the restaurant, which was much more relaxed, I scoured for Jada.

Making my way to the restaurant, which was much more relaxed, I scoured for Jada

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This was the restaurant she asked me to come to, right?

At the back was a group of men but one small girl stood out in between them.

Wearing a maroon glossy colour on her lips and her hair in its natural curly form, was Jada.

'Excuse me, boys. My date has arrived.', she said as she sauntered away from their table.

The boys looked annoyed, trying to find who she was talking about.
When she locked arms with me and pulled me away, the boys lowly whistled.

Laughing loudly as we walked towards a secluded area, we decided to slip into a booth.

'How've you been, baby?'

She held my hand from across the table and gave me a sweet smile.

I'm not used to people asking me that.

'Um, I've been okay. How've
you been?', I asked, shrugging my jacket off.

'C'mon, I know something's up!', she pressed.

'Is it that noticeable?', I grimaced.

'Yes, you look paler than white boy over there, are you ill?', she pointed at the table she was previously at.

Why does everyone think I'm ill when I'm troubled, for crying out loud?

'Spill. I don't care enough to tell anyone. You can... Trust me, or whatever cheesy shit people say during times like this.'

Jada was no fucking emotional bitch, I can tell.

'It's just that... You know of Jimin's friend... Jungkook?'

'Heard of 'em, don't care enough to know 'em.', she said, browsing through the menu.

'I had sex with them.'

Jada shimmied her shoulders and teased, That's cool, maybe I can join you two next time... Have a little threesome-'


'I was just kidding, babe!'

'I had sex. With both of them. Together.'

'Waiter!', Jada raised her hand up, 'Can we get two mind erasers and two blowjobs?'

'WHAT?', I stood up.

'They're the name of different shots.', she said matter-of-factly.

I should really go out more.

'I told you I don't drink.'

'It's not for you. After what you're about to tell me, I'll be needing all of them.'

9 pm

After exploding in word vomit, mentioning every detail to Jada, who didn't look bored or disgusted by me- she dragged me to the floor in front of the band.

She held onto me and we danced alongside a few couples.

'Listen, Rose. You can't change what happened. And your feelings and hormones will play with your mind whether you like it or not. I have no advice for you, other than the fact that one day, you'll know whom your heart belongs to.'

I nodded, twirling her around.

'It's either one of them or none of them. But for now, wipe that look off your face, doesn't look hot.', Jada smiled at me, Susie Q-ing the evening away.

10 pm

'He was totally checking you out!', I said, looking at Jada.

'He was not!'

'He totally was!- Oof! watch where you're... Jungkook?'

Holy moly.

Am I dreaming? Or is Jungkook really here, at the Paris Cat, in front of ME?

Looking at Jada, I didn't see where I was going and Jungkook who was rushing to get somewhere, didn't either. We crashed into each other, grimacing in pain. He looked down at me and then Jada with his lips in a thin line, unamused.

Someone's not happy to see me?

Jada then spoke up,

'I best get going, baby, get home safe.', she said.

And then kissed me.

Jada placed a hard, wet kiss on my lips. In front of Jungkook.

And swayed her hips, disappearing from our sight.

au.n. hope y'all are staying hydrated and getting some

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