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talk: verb
speak in order to give information of express ideas or feelings.

Rose's Point Of View

3 am


The doorbell woke me up from my sleep.


I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes.

Wait, this isn't my bed.

Why is everything so dark?

I slept over at Taehyung's.

Oh, God.

'HYUNG', someone screamed, 'OPEN UP!'

Who could that be?

Checking the time on my phone, I groaned, wondering who Taehyung could be expecting at this time.


I quietly tiptoed to the door and opened it. Hearing Taehyung fiddle with the main door's latch, I peeked out of the guest room.

'What are you doing here?', he asked the figure at the door.

The person at the door was swaying side to side, Taehyung's head blocking his face from my view.

'Just let me in, I need to talk to Rose.'

The man pushed Taehyung out of the way and stumbled inside.

I gasped.

'Jungkook, you're still shitfaced. How many fucking times have I told you to cut down?'

Is Jungkook an alcoholic?

Jungkook leaned against the couch to keep himself on his two feet.

'For fuck's sake, Tae, chill. Now, where's Rose?', Jungkook's eyes were half closed.

I can't see anything in this darkness, but did Taehyung just slap Jungkook?

'You lose your sense of manners when you're sloshed. I told you to never speak to me like that.'

Jungkook's head hung low.

'You think Rose would want to talk to you? After the shit you said? I HAD TO EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO HER, FOR YOU! It isn't even my fucking mess! So get your act together before you fuck things up with Jimin, AGAIN.'

I could hear Jungkook sniffling.

'Drink some water and go sleep, I can't bear to look at you right now.', Taehyung spat, climbing back up the stairs.

Shamefully, Jungkook walked towards the guest room.

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

Running back to the bed, I got under the covers, acting as if I were fast asleep all this while. My eyes were tightly shut but I could sense Jungkook's presence in the room.

Did he just stop in front of the bed?

'Rose...', he barely whispered.

He sounded defeated, sad and on the verge of crying.

My heart pained.

Oh, how I wish I could give you a hug right now and be there for you like you were there for me.

His footsteps were louder, meaning he was coming closer. He knelt down near the bed, right next to me. His fingers moved the stray hair off of my face and lightly placed his hand on mine.


'I'm sorry...', his voice cut off halfway as he began to cry.

No, Jungkook... Don't cry...

'I want to be yours... Why Jimin? He's already broken your heart countless times.'

Jungkook has feelings for me?

'God, Rose,', he sniffed, 'he doesn't admire you the way I do. He isn't captivated like I am... He just wants you because he can have you.'

'You looked... Astonishing tonight... If I could've kept you laughing at the bar all night- I would have.'

And then I felt something.

Am I attracted to Jungkook?

'God, I feel like I'd do a lot for you. You're fucking with me.'

No, I'm not, Jungkook. You're fucking with me right now.

He backed up and plonked himself down on the couch.

I think.

A while later, his soft snoring accompanied my breathing in the dark room.

I hate you, Kai Basque, I hate you Park Jimin and I hate you Jeon Jungkook.

6 am

After a horrible night of falling in and out of sleep, I woke up, still in a drowsy state.

His arm was wrapped around me and I was cuddled up into his bare chest.

He slightly moved and I groaned, like a child, in disagreement. Intertwining my fingers with his hand so he would stay.

I felt the vibration of his chest when he chuckled at my babyish behaviour.


I heard a door slam.

Muffled sounds of people talking were heard from the outside.

'Mmmm.', I tightly shut my eyes, wanting the noises to stop, nestling myself closer to his chest.


Another door slammed against the wall.

This time, it was the bedroom door.


au.n. daaaamn, who could it be?

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