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The Story Of Giselle


A dank and shrouded forest. This is where the Wilis gather. Any man caught here between midnight and dawn will be drawn under their spell and forced to dance until they die. Hilarion is lost in thought by Giselle's grave. Suddenly, realising it is midnight, he rushes away hoping not to be ensnared by the Wilis.

The Queen of the Wilis, Myrtha, appears. She summons her ghostly consorts up into a dance. Myrtha announces the arrival of a new Wili. Giselle rises from her grave and is inaugurated. A sound is heard nearby. The Wilis hide.

The grief- and guilt-ridden Albrecht appears and kneels down at Giselle's grave. Alone Albrecht sees the spectre of Giselle and he follows the vision. He tries to embrace her but his arms pass through her. As Giselle vanishes, Albrecht searches for her in the woods.

Hilarion, ensnared by the power of the Wilis, dances until exhausted and is thrown into the river where he drowns. Albrecht is now in Myrtha's thrall. Giselle appears suddenly and sends Albrecht to her graveside. The marble cross of her headstone dispels even the malign will of the Wilis and causes Myrtha's sceptre to break in her hand.

Myrtha uses Giselle to lure Albrecht away from her grave by compelling her to dance. Albrecht is unable to resist the allure and beauty of Giselle's dance and is tempted away from the cross. By dancing with Albrecht, Giselle attempts to prolong his ability to survive. They dance together as an expression of their love.

Just as it seems Albrecht will dance himself to his grave, the first beams of the morning sun appear. Albrecht is saved. The Wilis must depart at daybreak, but so too must Giselle.

Giselle slowly disappears into the dawn. Albrecht finds himself alone. Heartbroken and ashamed, he realises that the true love between himself and Giselle has saved his life.

{credits to : northern}

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