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recovery: noun
a return to a normal state of health, mind and strength.

8 pm

The following week, Jimin spent all his nights at my house. During the day, he'd stay at his place with J, run his errands and buy my groceries; at nights he'd either stay up with me watching movies, just talking or he'd help me sleep better. Jimin has made my house a home.

He told me that Jungkook moved out and probably even went back to Korea. He's been giving me a lot of strength and helping my mental frit, always being there for me. Never did he push any sexual remarks or touch me unnecessarily, which was honestly appalling. It was as if we never fought with each other.

We were sat on my couch this evening as Jimin leafed through take-out menus. I, on the other hand, was engrossed in watching him.

'Do you feel like Pan-Asian or Indian?', he glanced up at me.

'Hmm?", I was brought out of my daydream.

'Stop staring at me and tell me what you want to eat, Rose. You've been cooped up here forever, aren't you lacking in vitamin D?'

I choked on my own saliva.


'You're pale, you haven't stepped out into the sun in a week.', Jimin said, with worry in his eyes.

'Oh...', I said, looking down at my mismatched fluffy socks.

If only he suggested the other D...

Why would he? After looking at you at your lowest point.

When was the last time you even brushed your hair, Rose?

Jimin lightly slapped my knee.

'Get up. Get dressed.', he said, pushing himself off the couch.


Jimin put his arm out for me to take.

'I want to go dancing.'

'Oh, go, I'll be here-'

Jimin rolled his eyes and lifted me up. He took his bike keys before moving towards the door.

'I'll be back in less than an hour, be ready, kitten.'

Shut the front door.

And he did, leaving me staring at the door with my mouth agape.

Oh no.


Well, where's the harm? It'll probably make me feel better anyway.

So I showered and soaped, shampooed and rinsed, until I was squeaky clean. I went a little overboard with my makeup, dismissing the reflection of myself in the mirror, I went over to my hot tools, picking up my curling wand.

'I can't believe you'd-', I stopped talking.

Jimin's focus shifted to the curled locks on my head. His fingertips played with the ends of my hair.

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