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practise: verb
perform (an activity) or exercise (or skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.

11 am

It's been about a month since I found out that I was the 'devil's' fill in.

I've been regular to practice, even though I didn't really need to. I learnt the all the dances, each act, movement for movement, but never practised with the others because, as we all know, I'm just an understudy and Taylor hasn't gotten sick as yet, so she'll be able to perform tomorrow.

When all the companies of my dreams will watch her perform, instead of me.

Hopefully, I can apply somewhere through auditions and get a contract signed that way.

But as of now, I'm of no value.

During this time, I haven't shared a word with Bree, Mary or Tiana.

Tiana. I miss her.

Instead, I've gotten closer to Jada.

'Oh my God, Rose can you stop talking about this chick?!', Jada yelled on the other side of the phone.

'I'm sorry, she's just, UGH! SHE'S GETTING ON MY NERVES!'

'She sounds like a cougar, I don't think you should be affected by her. Although I'd like to see her for myself. When is this show thing?'

'It's in two days.'

'Why do you even go for practice anymore? At least if you're going in hopes that she won't be able to dance, put a blade in her shoe or something.'

'JADA! That's horrible! She won't be able to dance for the rest of her life. Oh my God, why would you say that?'

'Isn't that what frustrated ballerinas do? I think I saw it in a movie or something...'

'I can't believe you. Anyway, Jungkook's on his way over, I'll talk to you soon.'

'Oh! Are you doing that movie night crap again?'

'It's not crap! It's fun. We choose movies alternatively and the other person chooses where we get take out from, every Friday night.'

The line went quiet.  

'Um... Jada?', I wondered where she went.

'Remind me to never date you, you're weird as fuck.', she retorted.

I heartily laughed, ending the call, before debating whether to watch 'Jennifer's Body' or 'Transformers'.

'Rose, could you come here please?', Mr. Alexander called to brief all of us for the show tomorrow.

'Jungkook, I need you to use more space while you're on stage. Hilarion doesn't usually dance and since this is the first time, we want it to be spectacular.'

'Isn't there usually a kiss?'

'Haha, no Jimin, those are only in the happy ballets.'

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