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aftermath: noun
the consequences or after effects of a significant event.

[play media]

8 am

I woke to the cold breeze blowing through my bedroom window.

Shuddering, I pulled the covers up to my chin. My body felt sore, so I tried to stretch.

That's when I sat up in bed.

Why am I naked?

Realisation dawned on me.

Oh dear Lord.

Like a bird, my head looked around the room. There was no trace of the boys whatsoever.

They just left?

It's probably going to be very, very awkward now.

9:30 am


'What Rose? This is the third time you're calling me today!', Thomas whisper-yelled at me during class.

'Please be my partner for pa-de-deux.'

'Weren't you supposed to partner Kai? Or Jungkook? Or Jimin?'

'Yeah but we kinda got-'

'Hey, girl! Sorry, Thomas needs to come with me,' she stared at Thomas, 'Remember I showed you that Balanchine version of Giselle? I really want to try it!', Tiana gushed, dragging Thomas away.

Huh. Okay, then.

The three of us weren't talking.
I walked into the studio earlier today to find Jungkook chatting with Mary. He was leaning against the wall, smiling at her. I frowned at the sight. His facial expression remained the same as his eyes met mine, but dropped down Mary again.

Jungkook was ignoring me.

Jimin was at the far end of the room, practising his fouetté. I thought that he'd at least say hello, but he didn't.

Is it wrong that I'm not surprised?

Throughout the entire class, the two men successfully ignored me.

Hey, it's not like I asked to be fucked by the two of you!

[stop media]

Mr. Alexander then spoke about something very interesting.

'Class, today we're welcoming someone back. She's a very special alumnus here at Allure and is making her way up at the New York Ballet. Now here to help us with our showcase.'


Every Winter season the academy showcases a concert for the people, where company scouts get their first impression of you. If it looks like you can't offer anything or you don't seem interesting enough, then you'll never get a spot in a good dance company.

I hate myself for forgetting.
I should've been practising all this time.

Way to throw away all your dreams for not one, but two boys, Rose.

'Please welcome, Ms. Brooks!'

That's when I noticed her.

Effortless, black locks flowed down her back, her face without a flaw, nose like the God's created it themselves and the body of a supermodel.

She's gorgeous. And insanely tall.

If she's an alumni, why don't I know her?
Or is she much older?

No way, look at that face. She looks more your age than you do yourself,  Rose.

I didn't realise I was staring her down until she started speaking.

'Hi. I'm Taylor, I'm just going to be helping out Mr. Lex here, not that he needs it.'

Did she just make eyes at him?
And what the hell is 'MR. LEX'?

I could puke right now.

'I'll teach you all the choreography and just assist you, so bear with me.', she giggled and smiled brightly at the class.

Everyone in the room was smiling back at her, except me.

Something seems weird.

6 pm

These past days have been so unlike me.
Have I become someone else?
Or have I just discovered my suppressed thoughts and feelings?
I feel absolutely terrible.
Terrible for being myself?
Terrible for losing focus?

Ah, whatever.

I spent the rest of the day practising at the studio. Staying back a little later, hoping I'd bump into Jimin- but he never came.

Wiping the sweat off my brow, I packed up my bag. I wore my jacket and put on a pair of jeans over my tights as it was cold outside.

A little piece of paper fell out of my pocket.

8263266666~ jada ;)

It's late.
I shouldn't.

Go home and sleep, Rose.
You need to rest, get ready for auditions tomorrow.

'Hello?', her voice spoke.

I'm pathetic.

A faint buzz of clanging of glasses and soft jazz music was heard in the background.

'Um, hey, it's Rose.'

'Oh my God, Rose!', Jada screamed on the other side.

I awkwardly laughed.

Maybe this was a bad idea?


hi guys. i just wanted to thank you for reading AGAIN. i know, it's getting annoying but i really do appreciate you all.

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