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why: adverb
for what reason or purpose.

'You two have met before?', Jungkook said along with someone else.

Walking towards the three of us, tugging the front of his suit in a cocky manner, was Kai.

Why are you staring, he's not even that good looking!

I inwardly rolled my eyes at myself.

Who are you kidding? He's probably almost as good looking as Taehyung. Almost.

'We just met once, she's adorable.', Taehyung said to them, smirking at me.


'AND OFF LIMITS!', Kai warned.

'NO, HYUNG!', Jungkook scolded.

Taehyung still looking at me said, 'Looks like you've got a little fan club.'

Blushing at his comment, I heard Kai and Jungkook bickering.

'Why are you always around? Who even are you?'

'I could ask you the same thing.'

'I told you, I'm her boyfriend.'

Jungkook gave Kai a look.

Jungkook gave Kai a look

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Oh fuck.

'You're not her fucking boyfriend.', Jungkook simply stated, 'So you better stop saying that.'

'Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?', Kai challenged.

'Bree's going on stage now! Come watch!', yelled Thomas from our table, unintentionally breaking up the fight between the two men.

[play media]

Bree was sat on a stool, in a pretty black dress, holding her mic. She had a guitarist with her and soon they began.

Her voice is like melted chocolate. Is there anything she's not good at?

Probably why Jimin liked her...

Stop thinking about him.

I sat down beside Taehyung and Kai sat on the other side of me before Jungkook could. Giving Kai a disgusted look, he went and sat with others.

'Do you want to dance?', Kai whispered in my right ear.

No. But-

'Hm.', I said, because it would be rude to decline.

There were a few people on the floor, slow dancing.
Kai took my hand in his and walked me in a circle before bringing me close to him.
Putting his arms around my waist and mine on his shoulders we moved to the song.

This isn't Jimin.
Jimin's a better dancer.
Oh, why couldn't you be Jimin?

'Rose, you look beautiful today.', he said, one hand on my head bringing me in closer to him.

'I'm sorry about everything, but I've realised what I've done... I need you back.', he said.


I wanted to cry.
Looking over his shoulder I saw Jimin, jaw clenched, arms crossed. But he wasn't looking back at me.

'I wish I never did what I did. But I can't go back in time.'

On the other side, I watched Jungkook with an empty beer mug and another full pint in front of him.

How did he drink so much already?

He was watching Bree sing when his eyes met mine for a split second before he looked back up.

Why are they all confusing me?
Why are they trying to barge into my life?
And why is the boy that I'm so hung up on not even bothered?

'Kai, I loved you.', I said leaving his embrace, 'But no way in hell will I get back into any sort of relationship with you. I will be your friend but I can't...'

'You haven't even thought about it.'

'I thought about it for the past year.', I said, shutting him up,
'I can't give you another shot.'


I felt as though the dance floor started filling up more. Couples all around, closing in on us.
From where I was standing I could see Jimin's chair, but he was missing.

Sighing, I said, 'I like someone else.'

'Is it that Jeon guy?'

'No, Kai. We're just friends.'

'You don't know shit about men.', Kai laughed, 'Open your fucking eyes, Rose.'


'Whatever, I tried.', he said, leaving me alone on the floor.

Just like that.

I knew it. It's so simple for them to leave.

'Be careful what you say
Say only what you mean'
Bree melodiously sang.

I do say what I mean but it always comes back to bite me. First Jimin and now Kai.

Trying to find my way out of the mob, I felt like I only got further in.

I feel claustrophobic. Tonight was a bad idea.

Looking around for another way I found someone looking for me. He didn't look mad, he didn't look too happy either. But he was just the person I wanted to see.

 But he was just the person I wanted to see

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