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provocative: noun
intended or intending to arouse sexual desire.

Ask him.

Taehyung was sat, eating his cereal and reading a magazine.

But do I really want to know?

Yes, ask him.

Oh boy.

'Um... So why did Jimin barge in like that...?'

'Oh, he was looking for you the whole night. Someone told him you were at Kai's-'


Everyone knows Kai and I are over.

'It gets worse... He went over there to find you... Ended up finding that birthday girl and Kai together-'


Bree and Kai together? I thought he still loved me...

'He uh, broke Kai's nose...'


Well... I'm not too mad now...

'And then he called me, after looking for you everywhere, and I told him you were here, forgetting that Jungkook was here too...'

'Oh no.', I said, covering my face with my hands.

'I heard my-', Jungkook stopped his sentence midway when he walked into the room.

I turned around to see why he stopped when we made eye contact. He stared at me, his eyes making their way down my body and back up.

Jungkook cleared his throat,

'Could I speak with you?'

'Sure.', I said, walking to one of the rooms, sashaying my hips as I did.

Hey, when will I get this kind of attention again?

Jungkook followed suit. He wore a black t-shirt and basketball shorts with a beanie.

Why haven't I noticed how good looking he is before?

Woah! You like Jimin, remember?

Before I could enter the room, Jungkook pulled my waist towards him.

I gasped as he pushed me against the wall with his body.

A wave of musky cologne hit me.
Staring into his eyes, that looked almost black, I felt something different. But it just wasn't how I felt around Jimin.

His arm is still around my waist.

'I'm guessing Taehyung told you what happened.', he said.

You are very, very close to me right now, Jungkook.

I nodded.

'I'm sorry for what I said, again. Is there anything you want to ask me?'

'Why do you drink?'

Surprised by my sudden change of subject, he thought about his answer before speaking.

'Because alcohol does to me, what dance does to you.'

'It helps you forget.', I said, understanding where he came from.

'I don't feel as lonesome when I drink, Rose.'

Glancing at him, his eyes were hooded, full of pain.

'Why don't you drink?', he asked.

'I despise what it does to people. I despise people who drink.'

'Oh...', he said, his demeanour faltering.

'My father was an alcoholic. He was violent, physically and emotionally.', I stared at him with no emotion.

Why are you telling him? It's not like he's going to put down his bottle anytime soon.

'I'm sorry, I didn't know.', Jungkook said, looking at the ground.

'Can I ask you one more thing?', I tried changing the subject again.

'Yeah, anything.', he looked up at me.

'Why are you standing so close to me?'

Jungkook just glared. Not moving an inch. He seemed almost angry.

'Because you look so fucking provocative, it's using all of my willpower not to take you, right here, right now.'

Holy fuck.

Smirking at my reaction, he backed away from me.

'See you soon, Rose.', he said, making his way out of Taehyung's house.

What just happened?

7 pm

I made my way back home after endlessly thanking Taehyung for taking care of me.

I walked into my home, dropping my keys into the bowl. Sighing, I thought,

This apartment still looks a mess, I should at least get some things into order.

So I did by starting to push some of the old boxes away, but my mind was flooded with thoughts.

'Stop thinking about him, it isn't worth it.', I heard Taehyung say.

'Jimin and his playboy tendencies...'

'He isn't captivated or enthralled by you, he just wants you because he can have you.', Jungkook's voice rang in my head.

'Rose is such a prude, why?'

'Fuck this.', I said and grabbed my keys.

I need to let loose.

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