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cupcake: noun
a small cake baked in a cup-shaped foil or paper container, typically iced.

6 am

Tossing and turning in the comforts of my bed, my tired eyes squinted when the sunlight penetrated through the blinds.

I regret staying up the whole night.

I regret loving Jimin.

Oh, give it a break.

My stomach grumbled, having not eaten for over fifteen hours.
Being the sap I am, I put on some sad music to feel some company while I stay in this rut.

A rut is also a sexual period where mammal males fight each other for females.

I laughed cynically at the irony.

'He doesn't want you anymore, he's fucking someone else.', I whispered to myself, shaking my head.

My entire body was pale and I shivered in the early morning chill. But it didn't matter... The feeling in my chest surpassed all other forms of turmoil.

It shouldn't matter.
I like Jungkook.
I do.


Don't I?



I put on some slippers and dragged my feet towards the door.

'I swear if that's Jungkook at my God damn door I might just-'

'You might just what?', he stood on the steps, smirking, with my mail in his hand.

I slammed the door in his face.

I'm fucking psychic.

'Rose? ROSE!'

'Oh right!'

I opened the door again and he studied me.

'Well someone's been practising hard.', he laughed, kissing my cheek and walking inside.

I ran my fingers through my tangled hair and followed him in, turning off my depressing music on the way.

He sat down at my kitchen counter, flipping through my envelopes.

'Do you want something to eat? It's early.', I asked, filling a glass of water for myself.

'No, I'm good. I just wanted to see you.', he smiled.

But then he stopped flipping and focused on one envelope.

'Who's Ray Hunnington?'

My body froze. I dropped the glass I was grasping without realising.

Jungkook immediately got to his feet, picking up the shards of glass and throwing them away.

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