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kitten: noun
a term of coolness for a female from the 1950's

Jimin took me to a place above the city. It was slightly far, the hustle bustle of the busy streets inaudible. The stars in the sky were minimal, the sound of crickets and rustling leaves played background music.

I sat against a rock where Jimin joined me. He picked up a leaf, twisting it, 'So what made you want to start dancing?'

I smiled. 'My grandmother. When I learnt how to walk, I liked walking on my tip toes for some reason. My grandmother showed me pictures of ballerinas on their toes, in beautiful tutus and I think I fell in love. I told them I didn't want to go to school, I wanted to go to ballet school! My grandmum forced them to enrol me in one because of that...' My smile faded, as I started to think about my parents.

'What about you, Jimin?', I looked up at him.

'Well, my father used to be a contemporary dance teacher, he taught me a lot while I was growing up.', He chucked, 'He always told me that it's your technique that'll get you places and that you should always know a classical form of dance, otherwise you'll go nowhere in the industry... But I never liked contemporary, I tried to, for him, but I couldn't. I don't like technique and focusing on pointing your toes, I like to feel the music in a way that my body knows. I want to dance with my body, not with my head, you know? Just going with the flow... That's why I deviate towards hip-hop, jive and all the fun stuff.'

'Why'd you take ballet?' I asked, confused.

He gulped.

'I was rebellious as a kid. I used to go out to parties and clubs, and take part in street battles and sometimes I ended up in brawls, coming back home absolutely mauled. My father never approved.' he sucked in a sharp breath, 'My father passed away one night. Since it was his  that I take a classical art form and excel at it, I'm here, doing this for him.'

It touched me. It touched me to see that there were people that still had good relationships with their parents. And it touched me to see that Jimin was one of them, unexpectedly.

'I'm sorry to hear.' I said, frowning.

He laughed, 'It's okay... I still can't stand contemporary though.'

I giggled softly.

Silence enveloped us, once again, as we sat, staring at the sky.

'I've never told anyone that.'

'Not even J or Jungkook?' I asked.

'They found out on their own.', he said with a straight face.

For someone who looks like he doesn't have a care in the world, he's pretty emotional.

'Thank you for telling me.', I whispered as he nodded his head.

A few moments passed. The sky becoming darker, our bodies moving closer.

'You're an amazing dancer, Rose.'

It was genuinely said, making me feel overwhelmed.

'Thank you.' I said, shyly.

'I was also surprised at how quickly you picked up at the club, kitten.', a smirk danced its way onto Jimin lips.

Oh my god, his smile.

'Why do you call me 'kitten'?', I asked immediately, trying to suppress my surfacing desires.

Jimin stared at me.

'Because on the outside you're meek and demure but I know you've got a little spark in you that's probably wild.'

He licked his lips.

Fuck, his lips.

'You were so sexy that night.', he whispered, his eyes downcast, 'If you saw yourself at class every day and then out, dancing with me like that... You wouldn't have recognised yourself.'

His eyes stared directly into mine as he spoke as if he was imagining me at that moment.

I can't take this.

C'mon, Rose, get yourself together.

But instead, I gravitated towards him and he acknowledged it by coming closer too. My heartbeat quickened.

   God, he's handsome.

'I hate the way you make me feel, Jimin.'

Jimin swallowed, his hands twitching by his sides.

'What do I make you feel?'


And before I know it Jimin's hands have pulled my face towards his and his lips collided with mine in the most passionate kiss ever.

My mouth opened wide, to allow our tongues to flick and swirl around each others'. Craving more contact, I straddled him and ran my fingers through his soft hair. His palms lightly pressed on my waist as we locked lips. Everywhere he touched me I burned, writhing with pleasure.

I felt his crotch area harden and I moaned into the kiss. His arms pushed my body from behind, to be as close to his as possible. Seemingly wanting me as much as I did him.

Jimin tugged on my hair so he had access to my neck, he nipped and sucked harsh.

'Ah!', I moaned, in a high pitched tone pulling his hair lightly when I felt him form a hickey at the base of my neck.

Two can play at this game.

I grabbed his chiselled jaw with my forefinger and thumb, moving it out of the way so I could tease him by placing small kisses up to his ear, grinding against his crotch for some release.

'Kitt-' I took his earlobe between my teeth and lightly bit, 'Mm..', was all he could muster as my tongue dragged along the length of his neck.

Keeping his face in the same position I purred in his ear, 'I want you, Jimin.'

a.u. n.- i'm going to do jimin's pov next and that's going to be interesting! thank you for reading :)

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