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enthral: verb
capture the fascinated attention of

We rode back in silence. The entire mood of this evening shifted.

We clearly had two great opportunities to kiss.
I don't understand him!

We reached the gates to the academy, Jimin promptly turning the bike off. I hopped off and returned the helmet.

'See you at class tomorrow.' he stoically said before riding away.

No 'Goodbye' or 'Goodnight'? Where's he riding off to now anyway?

I rubbed my eye sockets, yawning and stretching as I dragged myself into the building. I was probably sulking for no reason, maybe I shouldn't have given this too much thought. I closed my bedroom window tight, keeping the harsh breeze away.

The climate was cold and so was the boy.


I felt the need to stay in bed this morning, feeling a little sore in unusual parts of my body. Groggily, I dragged myself out from under the sheets.

9:15 AM


Wait a minute...


I put on a pair of tights, toothbrush and dribble hanging out of my mouth. I rinsed myself off and ran to grab my bag, tripping over last night's heels.

This is all because of last night.

I fumed, slamming my door shut.

All eyes were on me when I opened the door to the studio. Including Jimin's.

'Glad you could join us, Rose.' Mr. Alexander snidely remarked.

'I'm sorry, it won't happen again.' I apologised.

I'm never late.

I never look like a hot mess.

Everyone knew this, it was the reason why everyone was shocked, except for Jimin, he found it quite amusing, actually. I shot a death glare in his direction, realising what type of person he really might be.

I regret going out with you last night, Park Jimin.


After my ballet class, I stayed back to practice as usual. Dance was a way to get my mind off of things, but today I couldn't concentrate.

A certain someone was on my mind and I was annoyed to the brim.

[play media]

I plugged my phone into the speakers and played one of my favourite songs. When the first note reached my ears I began to freely move to the music, adding in what I learnt in class today. But there was one step I couldn't execute precisely, and that enraged me even more.

I tried a countless number of times, breaking it down, slowing it down... Nothing worked.

'Don't break yourself.' a voice sounded from the entrance.

It appeared to be a silhouette of a man... As he came closer I saw how beautifully his leotard hugged his figure, the dark material outlined the carved edges of his abs. Definition in his thigh muscles and calves made it difficult not to admire him.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

All of a sudden I forgot about the previous night, I forgot about his cold behaviour and I forgot about today's incident.

'What are you doing here, kitten?'

That name.

I despise it but it sounds so pure coming from him.

'Practicing, what are you doing here?'

He chuckled, 'I come here to practice at this time.'

'Oh, I'm sorry,' I say, glancing at the clock. 'I lost track of time.'

'It's no problem, you can stay, I'll come back tomorrow-'

'No. I'm leaving.' I interrupted, grabbing my bag and pushing past him.

He caught my hand, making me stop in my tracks. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.

I didn't turn around, I couldn't.

'Let. Me. Go.' I said in staccato.


'Because I don't want to speak to you, Jimin. What even happened last night? Why were you so bipolar?' I turned around, ripping my hand away from his.


'Never mind, let's pretend it didn't even happen... Oh wait, nothing did.' I spat, sarcastically.

'Rose, I shouldn't have done that, okay?' his face painted in sorrow.

That was the first time he said my name. It did make me feel different, like I had never heard someone say my name before.
Even at a time like this, he made my heart flutter.

'What do you want from me..?' his raspy voice asked. I looked up to see that his face was right in front of mine.

Not these eyes again...

'Hmm?' he mumbled, moving next to my jaw as he placed a trail of soft kisses down to my neck. I jumped at the alien contact but my eyes eventually shut close. It was a small action, but it made me go crazy.

'Answer me.' he whispered in my ear, biting down on my lobe.

'Mmm...' I moaned.

He moved away from me.

'You know what I want? I want to get to know you better. Do you want to go someplace?'

I just nodded my head. Enthralled by him and what just happened.

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