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I stepped inside not knowing what to expect. The first room was the living room, on the couch was a pink haired mief~wa she turned around and asked "Katelyn~Sama who is this." "O this is my sister kawaii~chan her name is (Y/N)"Katelyn replied. "Hi,"
I said. "Katelyn who's at the door?" A voice shouted from upstairs. "Just my sister Aph!" Katelyn yelled back. "K coming!" the voice yelled again a short girl with long black hair with a purple bow in her hair. She he had brown eyes reflecting fire flies, (do you know what I'm referencing😃) she was also wearing a white shirt slouching of her shoulder and a black skirt with black knee high boots, with purple laces."Hi my name's Aphmau but you can call me Aph." She said extending her arm for me to shake. "Hi I'm (Y/N) Katelyn's sister.

~after a tour of their house ~

"So (Y/N) this is were your room will be, Sorry if it's a bit small but it was the guest room" Katelyn said "Cool thanks for letting me stay here on such short notice Katelyn I appreciate it more than you can imagine." "No Problem (Y/N) we're sisters after all," "Thank you Katelyn your the best sister ever." "I do try" she chuckled "I'll leave you to get settled in k." I nodded and began to unpack.

~after unpacking~

I went down stairs and told everyone I'd make a feast "hey (Y/N) can I invite the guys over for dinner? I know they'll love to meet you." Aph asked."Sure I don't see why not" Aph squealed excitedly "But I'll need a little help to finish cooking okay" "Cool I'm down,"said Aph and Katelyn,  "Kawaii~chan will make some of her famous deserts. By the way, what is (Y/N)~sempia planning on making any ways?" "I'm making roast chicken and potatoes" "(Y/N)~sempai can Kawaii~chan make chocolate cake?" Kawaii~Chan said excitedly. I whimpered. "Uh Kawaii~chan (Y/N) can't have chocolate she's a werewolf." Katelyn said "But then we're are her ears and tail?" Kawaii~ Chan asked. I popped my ears and tail out. Kawaii~chan and Aph stared in awe at my (F/C) ears and tail. I blushed a light shade of pink, I quickly hid my ears and tail. I opened the freezer and took out a frozen chicken

~after preparing dinner~

Aphmau's POV

I can't believe (Y/N)'s actually a werewolf she seems a little shy about it so I'm trying not to ask to many questions, though it's really hard to keep quiet but seeming as (Y/N)'s done I'll text the guys

Aph: they Laurence would you and the guys wanna come over to our place. We're having a party 😃

Laurence: sure why not we'll be there in bit

Aph: cool😁 cya

Laurence: bai

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