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A/N today is gonna be a Garroth day. Don't play the song yet.

~Garroth's POV~

I'm so jealous of the other guys especially Zane. He always gets to spend time with (Y/N). But today I'll make that change.

~Your POV~

I'm so confused. Gene has been calling my more regularly and texting me on a daily basis. I don't know why he suddenly wants me back. He didn't seem to care for the past two years. So why now!

I went down stairs with my phone in hand and sat next to Aph. My phone suddenly started vibrating and my vocaliod ring tone was set off (if you know what that is your amazing)

*Play song*


"God" i muttered under my breath and and hung up. Little to my surprise he continued to call.

Aph peeked over my shoulder understanding the situation

Y: Gene such a pain

Aph: feel ya I had to deal with him during my freshman year

I sigh as memories play through my head

\flash back/

Why did Gene cheat on my is cos I was a bad girlfriend or cos I wasn't good enough. I sobbed into my hands occasionally taking a scoop of icecream. I should have just have stuck to Gray or Yato they wouldn't have left me.

\flash back end/

I feel a single tear run down my cheek but quickly wipe it away hoping Aph didn't see

Aph: here's some advice one don't pick up the phone he probably wants to use you for some thing.
Two don't let him out it takes a long to get him to leave
Three don't be his friend you probably wake up in his bed in the morning...no offence

She whispered the last part so Katelyn didn't offer here

I nodded and explained my emotions

Y: even though we broke I can't help feel a sense of longing. Whenever I see him my heart beats faster, on the other hand when I remember what he did I get really pissed

Aph: You have a case of after-breakup-love

I burst out laughing

\stop song/

~time skip~

Ring ring

I picked up my phone Garroth texted

Garroth: hey u wanna hang at my place l8r

Y/N: yeah be there in a bit

So now I'm gonna hang out with Garroth.

~time skip your at the boys' house~

I walked in freely since I 'borrowed' there keys so I never have to wait outside in the cold.....

A/N: soz in so tired update tomorrow luv u Bai

~Author Sama out 💜

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