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Y: ummmmmm... Zane

Mckayla: ohhh someone got a crush.
Tease him t
o see how he reacts

Y: Mckayllllaaaaaaaaa

You whined

Mckayla: isn't he the emo looking one?


Mckayla: You've always had a think for the emo type

Y: hahaha

You laugh nervously trying to change the conversation

Y: I saw you looking at Travis earlier what's up with that

Mckayla: oh I just like a guy a personality

You burst out laughing

Y: what personality your really into his unoriginal pick up lines!

Mckayla: don't you have a emo to see it's almost make out o'clock

Y: yes I do you say walking over to the kitchen

You hear Laurence bragging about his cake with Aaron just supervising.

I kinda reminded you of when you're brothers used to argue over who built the best sand castle but grown men instead.

Zane and Laurence quickly took notice of your presence

Laurence: Y/N who's cake is better

Zane: wait that's not fair we agreed to cupcakes

Laurence: oh is that an excuse one eye

Zane: shut up you boob how can someone be so dumb

Laurence: how cane someone be so annoying

Laurence's cake

Zane's cake

Y: I choose kc's cake

Laurence & Zane: wait what

KC: I'm glad you like it (Y/N)~Chan


awaii~chan's cake

Who's cake would you choose I'm gonna chose KC's

Y: so can you guys stop arguing in front of the children

Laurence: what children

Y: the cake you insensitive boy

Zane: I'm out

Y: Zaneeeee I wanna hangout

you whine and huff after taking to cupcakes and catching up with him he goes into his room which you follow


You smiled catching up with him. You were still feeling flirty from this morning so you decided to tease like mckayla suggested

Y: zane why'd you run away from me

Zane: i-i didn't think you'd follow after me like that

Y: ok promise not to again I wanna be with you

you say sitting on his bed and patting a spot next to you.

Y: so whad'ya wanna do

You edge closer to him waching his movements. You start watching yt with him.

~time skip~

You were bored so you wrapped your arm round his waist his phone dropping on to the soft carpet

Zane: (Y/-

Before he could continue you pressed your chest up against his

Y- zaneee I'm bored let's do something

You were like this for a second until Zane started blushing madly.

It's working you thought to yourself
So how far am I gonna take this you thought you brushed off the thought, time will tell.

Zane: how about we play a game

Y: a game of....twister

Zane: um ok

Y: I'll get mckayla to help us

Zane: sure

~time skip~

Mckayla: right hand green!

~Zanes's P.O.V~

I was very red in the face at this point. I could feel (Y/N)'s tail brush against back.

Mckayla: left foot blue

I internally groaned as I moved my foot from yellow to blue. But y/n let out the cutest giggle. She was going to win if I could not keep this up.

Mckayla: right arm yellow

Screw this.

I gave up I fell down. Y/N's Face hovered above mine

She gave a cocky smirk

Y: yay I won

I face was red at the close proximity

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