Camping trip pt.2

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A/N: I just got more votes on the A/N deciding who you'd spend the most time with I've decided to include Aaron and Laurence as your main people this chapter and Dante and Travis next chapter then Zane and Garroth for the third one. And sorry this story's all over the place I'm trying to get a sort of plot down.

~3rd person~

~time skip to the forest~

Everyone exited that bus with their luggage. Y/N had managed to get Garroth to pull both his and her suitcases by claiming that her hand weren't strong enough to carry:

5 fully charged power banks

A Mac book


5 frozen pizzas



10 different outfits

A huge tent


A portable fridge

(Imagine some form of portable WiFi network thing)

5 100 volume mangas

So she began to fake cry to makes Garroth drag all that around.

~time skip~

After walking to an opening I the first leading to a flower field by a lake the group decided to set up camp

You took your suitcase from Garroth and ran off with Mckayla,

(In your fav colour)

~Your Pov~

~Time skip~

After Mckayla and I set up our tent we got to work on making it home. Mckayla got to work on setting up solar panels for electricity. Whilst I got to work on decorating. I opened my suitcase and took out the portable fridge and put it in the left corner. I took out the F/C and a pastel blue air mattresses and two matching covers (a bunny one for Mckayla and a teddy bear over for you).

After everyone had set up camp the sun has already began to go back into hiding. We had gathered fire wood from the neighboring forest and set up a traditional camp fire. The boys had placed logs around it to use as benches.

I was sitting by the lake when Aaron approached me from behind giving me a major shock. He sat beside me and he listened to my jokes for a while before we were joined by Aaron it was kinda like this:

Y: so Laurence I've got a really important question for you, k

Laurence: ok, shoot

Y: it's really, REALLY important

Laurence: ...

Laurence held his breath as though about to be asked to date someone

Y: honest opinion, do you think a cat-mountain should be referred to as a cat-ain or a kitt-ain, I think cat-ain but Aph thinks kitt-ain but then people would just think of kittens, which don't get me wrong isnt a bad thing but-

I felt something on the middle of me and Laurence which turned out to be Aaron's face telling us we were roasting marshmallows, and then he pointed out that we were sitting close, like couple close. But at least Laurence was breathing again.

Although Laurence stared down Aaron for a while. I sweatdropped at good childishness and walked on ahead to the campfire, making a stop at my tent to pick up a spare mat.

I placed the mat on the log and sat on it which made Katelyn crack up laughing. Everyone crept giving us strange looks me, them Katelyn then me than Katelyn. After laughing Kate regained her posture and explained my embarrassing story about how I sat on a log on one of our family camping trips and I sat on a log with wet bird poop.

~3rd person~

A sudden eruption of laughter filled the air. Y/N's face turned bright red as she pouted running of into the woods not stopping.

I was a good way into the forest now I was on a hill looking up at the stars. I relaxed myself and revealed my ears and tail. I took in a deep breath to remind myself of the camping trip which Luca and Mckayla( Katelyn's girlfriend accompanied us on, of your up to date you will know her from FC university) I had marched of pouting just like this.

I heard a twig snap and jerked up.


He was frozen for a moment them his shocked expression melted into a small smile. He sat next to me and caressed my cheek then stroked my ears which made me blush intensely, avoiding eye contact. He chuckled. I layed my head on the grass again and he copied. We layed there holding hands pointing out stars her was suprised I knew all the zodiac:













I didn't tell him it was because of fairy tail though.

After a while I felt myself falling to sleep on Aaron's chest.

A/N: there you do Arron fangirls you have a toned muscular chest to sleep on. And btw should I make valentines Day episode? Vote for yes

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Bai luv you my oreos

~Author Sama out 💜

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