New friends pt 2

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A/N: Sorry if the English is bad or I miss spell the words these chapters are rushed so plz don't hate me. On with the story. Bai

... Another man walked into the prison like room ( btw it's a bit like the cells in the tower of heaven from fairy tail )he put down a small dog bowl and threw a bone at me "Eat up little dog" he said pushing me onto the ground he pulled out a whip and hit my tail. I sobbed even harder I. weakly crawled over to the bowl and drank the dirty water and then curled Into a ball whilst gnawing on my bone.
" Good little mut " the man said tucking away his whip. And he left the (btw if you don't get what's happening then ill explain, so you were watching stranger things and you were at the part where eleven was being experimented on, and it reminded you of your child hood it was very traumatizing. You were kidnapped by werewolf haters and they locked you up, and abused you) I then started crying again just the right thought of not seeing daddy again just upset me.
End of flash back.

~Laurence's POV~

I got of the couch to find (Y/N), I was really worried about her the first place I thought to look was in the garden. I slid the glass door thing(I don't know what they're actually called so sorry) open and saw a girl who looked like (Y/N) although she had her same (H/L) (H/C) hair she couldn't be (Y/N) because she had werewolf ears and a tail. "(Y...Y/N..n) is that you" her tail stood up as though she was surprised she turned around and nodded at me. "I...I didn't...I didn't know you were a werewolf. I saw a tear run down her face again. I ran up to her and sat down next to her. She rested her against my chest and my shoulders stiffened, relaxed a when I didn't move. "Lau-laurence are you afraid of me?" She asked me, her voice wavering"(Y/N) why I be," I answered. She let out a small smile, and hugged me. I felt my cheeks heat up and I hugged her back. Soon she fell asleep and I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up bridal style and took her inside up to my room going the long way round not to disturb anybody and carefully layed her on my bed. (Y/N) looked so peaceful sleeping especially since she had her ears and tail out. I didn't know what to do, but stroke (Y/N)'s soft (F/C) tail even though it was hard I resisted, since I knew werewolves are very sensitive to touch on their tails and ears. And I didn't want to wake her so instead I slept next to her.

~Katelyn's POV ~

I was really worried about (Y/N) she had been missing for a couple of hours now, and Laurence had been to. We'd finished both seasons of stranger things. Aph, Kawaii~chan and I decided to look for (Y/N) and Laurence. First we scouted the garden with no luck so we decided to check the bedrooms I went to Laurence's Kawaii~chan to Garroth's and Aphmau to Dante's. I knocked on Laurence's door only to hear a soft snoring. I peeped in the room to see Laurence cuddling with (Y/N). I actually flipped out. And (Y/N) had ears and tail out, the nerve!

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I woke up next to a warm body pillow I was really warm so cuddled it. It was just as good as my Gray Fullbuster body pillow.

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So I enjoyed his closeness. (Sorry no lemons in this book...unless you want me to.)

~after a short period of time later~

"Ugh... Katelyn it's not what it looks like"Laurence said
"Good so your not sleeping with my sister and doing Irene knows what?"
"Only one of those two things is true"
"So you have been going at it you pervert!"Katelyn yelled again

~Laurence's POV~

I felt two hand grab my chest and they tried to pull me under the covers. "Gray tell Erza to leave so i can enjoy you" (Y/N) purred seductively. I felt my cheeks turn a deep shade of red. "You were saying," Katelyn said raising her eyebrows. I had no answer, I knew I was in trouble, the best thing to do now was to run for it but instead I said "(Y/N) I'm not Gray I'm Laurence." "Ohh I get it she's having a dream about one of her cartoons" said Katelyn. I. Can't believe I actually slept with (Y/N) she's so cute when she sleeps and I can't believe you tried to pull me under the covers to continue to snuggle with me. I felt like I just had a slice of heaven and it was wonderful. Katelyn went down stairs and I woke (Y/N) up.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I was now down stairs on Laurence's lap when I woke up. He was watching fairy tail episode 162 (don't watch if it will spoil the episode 😊)

I then got up and nuzzled his cheeks and they instantly turned red. I giggled and got up to make some waffles for dinner (cos I can) "Laurence you hungry?"I asked he took his eyes of the screen and nodded I made enough for the rest of the guys just in case they were hungry as well If not I'd gladly eat their share of waffles. After I'd finished I gave Laurence a plate of waffles with a smiley face made out of maple syrup (or your favourite syrup) he smiled at me and I sat next to him continue watching fairy tail.

~Laurence's POV~

It was really nice to have (Y/N) next to me I loved everything about her. She was really cute and she had a lovely smile and beautiful (E/C) eyes that I could probably spend hours getting lost in. And she was freaking adorable when she blushed and she was an
AMAZING cook! Way better than me her waffles were delicious and they had a smiley face on them. She was snuggling up to me when Katelyn came and ruined everything she shot me an icy glare that said 'keep your hands of her' (Y/N) imidiantly stopped and continued eating normally. Katelyn then got a plate, some waffles and sat her self awkwardly between us which ment no more snuggling😥.

~time skip (cos im lazy)~

Everyone went home and the day ended but my dreams of (Y/N) had just begun.

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