Hanging out

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~Your POV~

It was 8:37 in the morning when I woke up next to Zane. A bright flashing light blinded me. It KC and Aph they were silently fangirling among themselves. I could actually see KC dieing from fangirlism it was honestly quite scary as for Aph she was trying not to scream and wake the entire household. "Jeez could you to go one day without shipping people" I asked "Ugh what kind of question is that" Aph whisper shouted "Sorry no offence intended"I apologized "Better" Aph said giggling
"So should I make breakfast or what?" I questioned "oh my Irene yea" Aph and Kawaii~Chan said nosing rapidly. "I'll take that as a yes" i said giggling. "Pancakes it is then" i continued " oh thank Irene (Y/N) i love your cooking" Aph said drooling" thx Aph" I responded getting up trying my hardest not to wake Zane up. Well that flopped. I felt a arm grab my wrist and pull me back "No (Y/N) don't go I want you to stay with me" I heard Zane mumble. Aph and KC exploded. "OMI OMI OMI YAAAAAAASSSSS my ship of finally sailing" they screamed in union I saw Katelyn run into the room with a fire extinguisher. "where's the fire?" She said worriedly. "No Katelyn Aph and KC were just fangirling again" I said getting up" at 4 freaking am" Katelyn moaned she trudged back to bed and we all went back to sleep.

~time skip when everyone finally left~

I was in the middle of a shower when I got a text from someone

???- hey (Y/N)

(Y/N)- who r u

???- that's for me to know and you to find out

(Y/N)- Wth

???- meet me at the park at 11 on the dot

(Y/N)- sorry you have the wrong contact pls delete this number

???- I'll be waiting or I'll hurt your sister


Wth how did that creep even get my number I guess I should meet him or someone will get hurt.

Wth how did that creep even get my number I guess I should meet him or someone will get hurt

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I left Home

~time skip~

I was about entering the park gates when I was ambushed. A man in a hood crashed his lips against mine. I didn't kiss back but he bit my lip a bit hard and he took his chance he was a really good kisser. We made out for five good minutes until we parted for oxygen. And the man to down his hood and said

"(Y/N) I'm sorry"

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter but I'm having writer's block. I hope that you enjoyed bai and remember that I luv u mah oreos

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