Idk what to name this chapter

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~2 Days later~

OMI. I still can't believe Gene actually kissed me. That boi is dead. He'll be lucky if he makes it out with an arm and a leg because I know Katelyn has a bone to pick with him. So he's as good as gone and now he kissed me and tried to strip me so he's as good as gone. Thank Irene Travis was there. I Still can't believe I didn't move when Gene was undressing me. I guess I was intrigued I felt.....eager as though deep down I still liked him maybe I should be a bit more open with him. I'll give him another chance maybe 8 years of prison taught him a lesson.

~time skip~


I picked up my phone and opened up WhatsApp. I glanced at my phone in frustration. It was 10:00 am "who wakes up at 10 am" I mumbled to myself slamming my face into my pillow. I began to sleep again since it wasn't 12 yet.


I opened WhatsApp again to see Zane has been texting me I groaned and replied to him.


Z=Zane Y=(Y/N)

Z-R u there
Z-Wake up

Y- but it's 10
Y- I have have another 2 hours 😭

Z- but I wanna hang out with you

Y- yeah but I wanna sleep

Z- I'll be over in 6 mins

Y- I hate u

Z- ik

Now I gotta actually get up and do things thx a lot Zane.

( This was me this Sunday only it went like this
Bro: Conni get up

Me: Wats the time

Bro: 10

Me: no

Bro: Aphmau uploaded a new video

Me: *rushed down from bed* so about that video)

I got into a (F/C) tank top with some denim jeans. I down stairs And made pancakes and left a note on the fridge

I'm out for a bit with Zane cya guys l8r
Btw I made pancakes 4 breakfast

- (Y/N) ♡

~time skip~

~Zane's POV~

I was on my phone checking when the next mlh episode would be released when I Heard a knock at my door. I headed down to see Garroth. I rolled my eye(s) and shut the door. He put his foot in the way and began to speak

Garroth: Zane I need to talk

Zane: Fine what is it

Garroth: it's about (Y/N)

Zane:What about her

Garroth: do you like her

Zane: of course I like her we're friends

Garroth: no I mean LIKE her

Zane:*blushing* N-no w-wer-were j-just fr-friends W-he-where did you G-string that id-ea f-from

Garroth: Nevermind baby brother see you later

~Your POV~

I was walking to Zane's house when I met up with Laurence. He was muttering to himself when I said hi to him he glanced at me then walked over to me with a strange look in his eyes. He backed my up against the side of my house. He winked at me seductively my felt my cheeks heat up this was something I would have expected from Travis not Laurence if all people but I went along with it I pulled him closer by his shirt. Finishing what he had started. (Y/N) I l-. Our lips crashed into eachother his eyes widened but they soon shut. As our tongues fought for dominance I played with brown hair. His kisses were passionate I could sense Laurence was enjoying our make out session. We had kisses for around four minutes until we parted for air only a string of saliva connected our tongues and we turned around and left opposite ways with our faces deep red. I got to home and texted Zane that we should hangout tomorrow cos something came up and I went to bed. The kiss repeating itself on my mind.

A/N: Finally I updated my story yay I hope you enjoyed it. My mom banned me from my phone so blame her for lack of updates. And Plz remember to vote if you enjoyed it because it motivates me. I tried to include Laurence since we haven't seen him for a while.
Btw credits to my 2 Bffs Jenni and Tomini they gave me so many ideas bai and remember I love you

Author Sama out~💜

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