mystery figure

410 10 6

The song has nothing to do with the story

~???'s POV~

I'm so happy I can finally be closer to (Y/N). I began to save up to move the moment i saw her post on Instagram. I was kinda sad that she dropped out of college but it doesn't matter now we will soon be reunited. I know we didn't always get along but still I hope she'll be happy to see me. (Who is this mystery man/woman thing? Is it Gene? Who knows)

~Your POV~

I woke up to the sound of Fairy Tail's guild shouting and ' Gray your clothes'. I immediately sat up and rushed down stairs to investigate. I was a bit mad that nobody had bothered to wake me up but shrugged it off. Aph was on the couch with KC fangirling over Natsu and Lucy hugging, whilst Katelyn was flipping pancakes listening to music.
I flopped onto the couch to watch with them.

~time skip~

"OMI THEIR GONNA KISS!" KC squealed. Her tail was swaying happily as she fangirled. Aph sat silently with her face practically pressed against the TV screen now "APH I CAN'T SEE" I groaned in annoyance. Reluctantly she moved back onto the couch. "Yes just a bit closer Jellal" Aph squealed. "YAS MY SHIP WILL SAIL!" I said squeezing my cushion. "WHAT THE HECK JELLAL!?" we screamed in union.(So if u don't get it it's a scene from the anime when Erza tumbles on top of jellal and their a about to kiss but jellal pushes Erza away and lied saying he had a fiancé. Btw this was my actual reaction, with less swearing)

I slouched back on the couch exhausted from fangirlism. "Shoot I haven't been awake for an hour and I'm already tired" I mumbled to myself. I heard a knock at the door, I looked at KC and to see if they would get it but she and Aph were already absorbed into the next episode. I gave up and dragged myself of the couch and to the door when I opened the door the person whose knocked eyes widened. They pulled me in for a hug but I was sure I didn't know them."Umm excuse me, but do I know you." I said trying as best as possible not to hurt their feelings. The person's arm fell of me and their once happy expression faded. "Oh s-sorry I th-thought you were my best fr-friend (Y/N)" she whispered. She was on the verge of tears now. I stood there thinking for a bit whilst the girl fiddles with her thumbs. After around 3 minutes the girl turned around and began walking of the porch. "Mckayla is that you.

(If your name's Mckayla then change Mckayla to Ellie. Btw Mckayla's pic is at the top) Mckayla turned around she wiped the tears out of her eyes and began to suffocate me in a bear hug.

"Mckayla I c-ant bre" she realised what I meant and let me breathe. We then ran in to the house and into my bedroom.

Mckayla: so I have some news...

Y: spill

Mckayla: I'm moving in. Y'know across the street... that house for sale



Katelyn: and I can get headaches all over again

Katelyn had walked into my room without knocking, to see me and Mckayla jumping on my bed with our hands intertwined. Mckayla's face was a dark red as she stopped jumping and slid of my bed to the carpet.

Mckayla: M-miss Katelyn I'm so so sorry

Y: Kate chill we were just having fun

Katelyn: I don't care as long as you keep the fangirling to a minimum.

Y: but this is our minimum

Katelyn- is that sass ok then no anime

I pouted and stopped jumping to give Katelyn the the puppy dog eyes.

(How can you say no to that. I'm a sucker for cute things I know)

Katelyn: f-fine you can have your anime



~A LOT of fangirling later~

Mckayla: so (Y/N) have had any crushes yet

My face heated up intensely

Y: I have no clue were you got that idea from

I crossed my arms and looked away in attempt to hide my blush. In return Mckayla just giggled.

Mckayla: so is he cute

Y: w-what kind of a question is that

My face redenned if that's even possible. This just entertained her.

Mckayla: have you kissed yet

Mckayla: I'll take your silence as a yes then so is he a good kisser

Y: yes I...mean no...I mean I don't know

Mckayla: he must be cute for you to me stuttering like this I really wanna see him now

Mckayla had a very smug look on her face.

Y: shusssshhh

Mckayla: I'm not with questions yet

Y: you know Gray~senpai is the only one for me

Mckayla: really coz your blushing disagrees with you there

I just groaned and hid under the covers of my bed like a child.

Mckayla: fine be that way

She left my room. I think to unpack but I don't know she's always been lazy like that.

A/N: it's been a long day. Frick I feel so good this chapter is 937 words. TAKE THAT LAZINESS!my battery's 12% .Yeah I hope you liked pls vote if it's good I tried and had an actual plan. I didn't check it coz ain't nobody got time for that. Luv u my Oreos

~Author Sama out 💜

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