My party pt.1

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The song has nothing to do with the story I recently got into K-pop and this is my fav song DNA by BTS.

~Your POV~

I woke and stared at the ceiling for a couple seconds. I got on my phone and looked at messages. I had a few happy birthdays from my dad, mom and grandma. I went down stairs Mckayla had broken into the house through the window again. Did I mention that she got that habit from her Friends back in highschool.

I sat on the couch next to her and she didn't even move.

I called her name and she didn't bat an eyelid.

I went for her food. I leaned in and stole some strawberries from her plate she growled at me stealing some toast from my plate too.

So she did acknowledge me I thought. I went up to room. I texted Travis ( I was feeling flirty ) to ask if he wanted to come over. I waited 3 minutes before calling cuz I'm impatient. Travis picked up the the phone and did his best "sorry the person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable" voice and in the background I could hear Katelyn yelling at Dante and glass shattering and ...... Basically chaos i hung up not even curious so I walked over to Aaron's place. Still feeling flirty

~time skip~

I knocked on Aaron's for to see him wearing an apron that said kiss the cook I raised a brow at him and smirked.
"Really?" I asked in a smug tone
"Really!" Aaron said in a tone that made it seem a he was testing me I got on my tip toes and quickly kiss his lips as I was about to get off my tip toes he wrapped his arms around my waist deepening the kiss he took a step back I the door shut with my shoe enjoying the kiss we were moving in sink and I eventually ended up on top of Aaron on his couch. I drew back catching my breath and realising what is just done my face heated up probably enough to fry pancakes i got up offAaron and he smirked and licked his lips seductively I followed him into the kitchen where he was baking cupcakes I joined him.

Aaron: so why'd you come here anyway

Y/N: isn't it obvious

Aaron: to make out with me

I punched him in the arm laughing and blushing and internally screaming

Y/N: no I was bored

Aaron: so you decided to make out with me?

Y/N: Noooo! I called Travis hangout with him but he was busy so I came over here

Aaron: ok so before you arrived I was making cupcakes.

Y/N: why

Aaron: to help Laurence show Zane up

He sighed and on cue Laurence walked in with ingredients
He looked triggered

Laurence: Aaron this god damn cake better be better than Zane's or I'm gonna be f**cking pissed and when is the look on Zane's face when I tell Y/N
I baked it

At that point across started laughing really loudly and awkwardly trying to hide something

I rose my brow at him and went over to Laurence I took one of his 3 bags and plopped it over on the island

Y: hey Laurence

You smiled happily

Laurence: h-hey

Laurence: why are you here

Y/N: Got a problem you said sassily

Laurence : n-no

It's just I wasn't expecting to see a diamond and the bottom of the sandy ocean

He said leaning in

You froze for a second and karate chopped his head

Y: already heard it your cheap YouTube pick up lines won't work

Aaron snickered at him already mixing up the cake batter. I skipping over to take a taste of it with he was getting the cupcake cups out of the bag.i licked my finger not sweet engh I thought. So I proceeded to Poor some more sugar in.

I failed. 10/10 failed I some how poored half the new bag into the batter and I know I'm not an expert but I think it's safe to say that that was to much such sugar.

I nervously looked at Aaron he was just smirking to himself. While Laurence was like so I guess we should fuck it and just make an entire cake.

I kinda just blushed and giggled nervously as I began to double the ingredients. Aaron was reading icing recipes on his phone while Laurence was playing Fortnite on his phone.

I was pouring the mixture into the pan when Laurenced scared me


He yelled out of no where which made me jump and spill some cake batter on the table.

Y: Lauuuuuurenceeeeee, you made me spill some

Laurence: sorry just died in Fortnite

Y: and I spilled some cake battar get off your phone and help

~laurence's POV~

Y/N did the cutest pout and I felt obligated to help

Laurence: FINE......

I sighed and walked over I set the oven temperatures

Y: I put the cake in the oven

~Time skip~

A/N quick question long or short chapters I'll be to get short chapters out quickly and more frequently.
~ Author Sama out 💜

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