Sleepover pt 2

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"Hey pup"

- btw this chapter was by brothers idea he's really cool brother so thanks for this idea

I felt my cheeks heat up I was mad I walked up to Gene as he opened his hands for a hug I stepped closer to him and slapped him. Leaving him with a red handprint on his left cheek I stormed up to my room and cuddled with my Gray Fullbuster body pillow.

~Gene's POV~

I was dying on the inside. (Y/N) just slapped me I felt a part of me wither away and die. I don't blame (Y/N) I'd be mad at me if I'd caught me cheating on me with Sasha and I'd be super pissed if the guy I was meant to be going to prom with ditched me for another girl. Gene why did you have to go an mess this up for yourself. You're meant to make things better with (Y/N) but instead you made them worse. Irene help me. I went down stairs and the room fell silent. They all heard (Y/N) slap me and they had nothing to say about it. Katelyn kept shooting her eye daggers at me whilst Aph tried to make things less awkward between everyone. I guess she still hasn't recovered from the pain. Gene why'd you gotta go mess up your relationship with the only girl that loved and accepted you for you. Dante even avoided eye contact with me. Man I'm screwed I should probably go home now. I turned around and left out the door. I felt my heart burst i couldn't take it anymore I felt hot tears skim my face. I didn't make a sound I cried silently though the night. I'd messed up.

~Your POV~

I heard a knock at the door Travis' head peeped through and said " are you ok" I nodded i gestured him a seat next to me and me avoided eye contact for a while till he asked

Travis: so you ok

(Y/N): yeah much better than before

Travis: so what's with you and Gene

(Y/N): *sigh* he's my ex. I ditched me on my prom night. At first I thought he was ill but when I got to his house I found him making out with a girl named Sasha.

Travis: (Y/N) I'm sor-

(Y/N): it's ok Travis you didn't know

There was a long silence between us until Travis said

Travis: so did it hurt

(Y/N): what

Travis: when you fell from heaven

(Y/N): kinda but I'm ok

Travis: cool wanna go downstairs

(Y/N): yeah

~Laurence's POV~

(Y/N) has some loud slaps everyone heard her slap Gene it was over kill.
It was really sad when Gene came down stairs cos no-one made eye contact. There was a really awkward silence as our conversations fell into the void of silence. When Gene has left Travis rushed up to meet (Y/N). A little bit under 30 minutes they came back as though everything was right as rain. We all continued talking until Lucinda shouted "is a sleepover or what cos I'm bored so let's get this party started" Aph nodded and told everyone to come upstairs to (Y/N)'s bedroom since hers was the largest

 We all continued talking until Lucinda shouted "is a sleepover or what cos I'm bored so let's get this party started" Aph nodded and told everyone to come upstairs to (Y/N)'s bedroom since hers was the largest

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We sat in the middle and Lucinda suggested 7 minutes in heaven.

~Your POV~

OMI I hate Lucinda she made us play 7 minutes in heaven. Like wtf is up with that! Dante went first and the bottle landed on Aph so she nudged it a bit so it looked like it landed on me.
And Lucinda didn't catch her so she put a spell on Dante and I that forced us to in the cupboard. Damn her.

~Dante's POV~

Man I'm in here with (Y/N). I was about to tell her that she didn't have to but I was cut off she pulled me by my shirt and stood on her tiptoes and did her tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms round her waist as she messed up my lapis hair. She Interlocked her tongue with mine. Exploring my mouth. Before I knew it our seven minutes were up. Whoever made it 7 minutes should have made it 21 minutes.

~Kawaii~Chan's POV~

Damn you Dante kun if you interfere with Kawaii~Chan's ship again you'll be sorry.

~Your POV~

OMI I JUST FREAKING KISSED DANTE. AND HR ACTUALLY KISSED BACK. I'm so happy fought now I thing this is what love feels like. I'm a blushing mess I need to have a relaxing bath.

~time skip~

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself" Travis said through his nose bleed.
"Get out you perv" I yelled
"Let me take one more picture" he answered
"If you dare you'll have answer to my fist" I retorted
"If I wasn't in the middle of my bubble bath you'd be dead Travis so you'd better run"
Travis winced and began running. Irene knows if I want I'm the bath he'd be dead.

~time skip~

Lucinda: truth or dare
(Y/N): ughhh dare
Lucinda: k I dare you to sleep with Zane tonight
(Y/N): Wth is wrong with you
Zane: leave me out of your childish games
KC: Zane~Kun don't be like that Kawaii~Chan ships and (Y/N)~Sempai and Zane~Kun so hard.
Travis:What about me KC
Travis: can't argue with that see Katelyn were destined to be with eachother
Katelyn: KC I'll get you back for this
(Y/N): fine Lucinda truth or dare
Lucinda: dare, crap no I take it back truth truth
(Y/N): *evil grin*no take backsies
Zane: she's got you there that was your own rule
Lucinda:*sighs* fine
(Y/N): I dare you to go a week without magic
Lucinda: what kind of cruel game I'd this
(Y/N): the one you suggested
Lucinda: Fine

~time skip~

~Zane's POV~

Wow (Y/N)'s really going through with it. I'm secretly happy Lucinda gave   (Y/N) that date it means I get to sleep next to her I know all the other guys are secretly jealous.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this long chapter. 1035 words don't go getting used to it bai

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