LOL - zanes confession

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I said this book was discontinued....

I read all of your comments and wrote this oneshot for Zane. Ya'll seem to love him.


The original plan for the story was to take everyone on 1 past vacation before ending the story and doing a chapter on each character. So here's Zu~Zu's confession.


We were in our rooms exploring round the site. Katelyn and Aphmau paid to take us to an adventure Park for a week. We were all settling up in our rooms I was sharing with Mckayla. Until I got a knock on my door.

It was Zane, he didn't say anything he just dragged me across the corridor.

"Ummmmm... Zane I trust you and all but where are we going."

No response.

"Fine then... it's totally all right to ignore your best friend!"

Still there was silence. He lead me onto a hill shaded by a tree,

"Zane! Let go of me!"

and he did as he did so he peered over the edge of the hill and so did I. The view was beautiful you could see all the rides.

"Zane it's beaut-"

"Y/N I something to tell you"

"I like you,"

"Sorry I didn't hear you right, come again."

"Y/N I like you"

"Please Zane I didn't hear you right"

He wore an angry expression


"I stood there my face was brought red."

"Zane I love....I love you too"


He walked me to the resort lunch room. Where everyone was sitting.

"Hey Y/N what's u-" Travis winked at me

"Get your own girl idiot" Zane snapped

"Awwww babe don't me jealous"

"B-babe?!" Aaron stuttered

All the boys had confused expressions

"My ship! Has sailed" Mckayla fangirled

"Yeah Y/N is now my girlfriend"


So how was that Zane's confession didn't see that one coming who's next




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