New friends

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Today Aph thought I should actually spend getting to know everybody (except Travis because there's nothing else I need to know than he's a perv). So I got dressed into my black skinny jeans and my (F/C) crop top.

"Aph get your but over here Aph!"
"I'm coming MOM!"

~Aph's POV~

I heard (Y/N) shout and made my way down stairs. I was waiting forever. Jeez Louise she's slow, when I got down she was wearing a (F/C) crop top with black skinny jeans and her hair was tired up in a messy bun. In all she was very cute. I told her all the names of everyone so. After that went to the guy's house.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

First Aph took me to get to know the guys. From last night they seemed to be decant people(except for Travis). When i knocked on the door Travis answered (just my luck)"hey baby...Back for round two"
"Travis be a dear and spare yourself the pain" "babe don't have to be secretive you should be proud of us" "that's it!" I said punching Travis in the stomach "sorry...(Y/N)"he did whining "TRAVIS! who are trying to hit on now" "no-one!"Travis yelled back "that it Travis in coming!"a voice the back "No Laurence it's fine!" "Babe we'll continue this conversation later"he winked at me.

~Laurence's POV~

I was just going to get dressed when I heard Travis trying to hit on a girl at first I thought it was Katelyn but I realised it was very unlikely so I raced down stairs to investigate(By the way Laurence was wearing a thin towel around his waist Mwahhaha naked men.) I rushed to the door barging Travis out of the way and now I was awkwardly positioned naked infront of Aph and (Y/N)!

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I was just about to punch Travis when a man with blue eyes which I'm assuming is Laurence came down wearing only a towel. I felt my cheeks heat up was i blushing. I never blush. I guess I'll make an exception for cute Laurence. Yep...I'm deep definitely going crazy.

~Laurence's POV~

I saw (Y/N)'s eyes dart towards the towel then my face then the towel. Her face was a deep shade of maroon. Damn she's cute. I feel felt my face heart up as well. I heard Aph giggling taking pictures. I heard Travis complaining how (Y/N) never got to see him naked when I realized I hadn't still gotten dressed. I rushed up stairs to finally get dressed

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Laurence seemed to be fine totally naked in front of me. When Laurence finally came down it was as though nothing ever happened so we decided to have breakfast since everyone was hungry so I made bacon and eggs

~after breakfast~

We decided to watch a movie (cos we can). Aph looked down at her phone though she was texting someone. Not long after that Lucinda, Katelyn, Zane, Kawaii~chan and Aaron walked entered luckily the sofa was big enough to get everyone on, so I ended up sitting next to Dante and Laurence it was already decided we were going to watch a horror movie and luckily for me I don't get scared easily(BTW I don't watch any horror movies cos irl I'm a scaredy cat​. So this 'horror movie' will be stranger things the Netflix show. Also this will spoil the first season so don't read on if you hate spoilers)

~Laurence's POV~

Yes. I'm so happy I got to sit next to (Y/N). I really hope she gets scared and cuddles me. But I hope me being naked infront of her doesn't make her feel uncomfortable. Anyways when Laurence finally got onto Netflix he decided to watch stranger things.

~around an hour later~

The 'movie' was getting really good, it was really nice. We were watching the part where eleven was remembering the horrible things her so called dad put her through, then (Y/N) put hear head on my chest and started crying. I tried to comfort her but I guess it only made her more upset. And she ran off into the garden.

~(Y/N)s POV~

I ran out of the house sobbing uncontrollably I saw that they had a pool. I checked what everyone was doing, and since everyone was still watching the movie I say on the edge of  the pool and I let my hair down and ears and tail. I was having flash backs of times I had been expended on.

~day 2 in the lab ~
Flash back
"Daddy..daddy! I'm sowwy daddy please come and get me daddy!" I screamed in pain " your dad's not coming back you filthy animal" a man spat at me "daddy can't hear me but when he does he'll come for me" I protesting. "Look kid don't get your hopes to high" I started sobbing uncontrollably...
A/N: this chapters getting way to long so I'll make a pt 2 later 😃 bai.

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