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A/N: wtaf is with this song my boyfriend was listening to it and I was just baffled 18+ or if you have a dirty mind listen to it u have been warned I'm not ruining any innocence today

~Your POV~

I was going downstairs for breakfast when KC sat my down with a bucket of ice cream on the couch. Soon after Aph came down, nodded at KC and sat on the arm of the couch. The atmosphere Katelyn was also acting strange.

Aph: so (Y/N) we wanted to talk about your relationships

Y: uhh what do u mean

KC: KC wants (Y/N/L) to sail

Aph: KC were talking about (Y/N)'s relationships between the guys

A tick mark appeared on Katelyn's forehead as she took deep breaths

Katelyn: so (Y/N) can you tell me who you have a 'romantic' relationship with exactly

Katelyn said though gritted teeth. My face justed heated up

Y: that's private

I said incredibly flustered

Katelyn: that's it

She stormed up to my room I knew she was looking for my phone I didn't go after her since I had nothing to hide except

Y: shoot

Katelyn came down really angry with my phone

😘Laurence 😘





😍Garroth 😍

Help me I mouthed to Aph but she just fangirled. I looked at KC but with no such luck. I snatched my phone of Kate and she just took it back marched to the guys' house. She bust down the door with a single kick and marched in. I ran in a few seconds after to see Katelyn holding Laurence by the shirt Dante and Travis crouched at the top of the stairs peeping and Garroth and Zane were now hiding behind me.- Katelyn chill it's nothing," I moaned in annoyance, "it clearly is something," she replied brandishing my phone I could feel Zane and Garroth quiver behind me. I snatched phone of her and Tucked it in my pocket. I heard footsteps and turned around to see Mckayla shocked. Katelyn let go of Laurence's shirt and walked over to Mckayla (does anyone have a good nickname for her its annoying having to reappear her name all the time) and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes immediately lit up and a smug smile spread across her face.

Mckayla: so Y/N who do so you like or of the boys

Y: privacy

Said avoiding eye contact

Katelyn: tell me or I will find away to disconnect your devices from the internet

Mckayla just gave Katelyn an agreeing nod

Y: uhh ok I'll admit

The boys eyes widened in expectation as well as Katelyn, KC, Aph and Mckayla who was fangirling with KC Aph just stood there making a video.

Y: I like

A/N: can ask some questions? I'm curious what were your new years resolutions. Mine what to watch what anime, get better at drawing and to do better at maths. I also wanted to say sorry for the lack of characters and cute moments I'm working on it. So look forward to more Garroth, Aaron, Laurence, Travis and Dante. And sorry for short chapter it's late and I'm tired. Anyways luv u Bai

~ Author Sama out 💜

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