The present

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A/N I tried hard on this to make up for publishing late last time. BTW Zane moved in with the guys because his rent was getting really high - and mainly si I can add a bit more mischief >:3 .I Don't think there's enough Travis (Wut did I just write) in the story so Travis lovers are in luck

~Your POV~

A few days had passed since Christmas and one of my presents still layed untouched by my bed. It was the one that Aph had given, me from the porch. The person who sent it was still a mystery to me. I was a bit scared to open it hence it was still perfectly wrapped up.

I had grown fed up of it. I reached for it and dropped it on my bed. Like a animal, I shredded the wrapping paper and opened a box. An iMac. My jaw dropped and my hands covered it in shock, confusion and pure happiness. A note was attached to the box which said:

Dear Y/N

I am sorry for the heartache I caused. I know that won't fix anything so I'll try to start with this. Remember you told me that you always wanted one. I saved up.

(Who could it be mysterious)

I immediately suspected Gene but I doubt he would go out of his own way for something like that.

~Time skip~

I was dressed up and I was heading over to the guys' house I was dressed in:

(If the pic doesn't show up it's the one at the top, and if you don't like the pink change it)

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(If the pic doesn't show up it's the one at the top, and if you don't like the pink change it)

I was going over to the guys' place since Aph was with KC shopping, and Katelyn was with Jeffrey.

I then felt .y phone vibrate.

Dad: hey strawberry puff

Y: yeah

Dad: can you look after your brother for a week

Y: uhh... Ok

Dad: thx it's cos, he only wanted you to look after him not Casey or Katelyn, since I'm going out on a vacation with Sylvana

Y: it's ok I understand I'll pick him up

Dad: thx I owe you one

~Time skip~

I had got Aidan and I was outside the guys' house waiting for someone to answer the door bell. The door flung open.

Travis: hey babe came back for round two

He said seductively. Before I could respond Aidan kicked Travis in the shin.

Travis: *wincing in pain* Ouch kid you can kick hard

I patted Aidan on the head to signal he did the right thing

Y: next time Aidan kick right where it hurts

He nodded and went back to glaring at Travis.

Travis: hey!

Aidan lightly chuckled and we went inside.

I sat next to Aidan on the couch and Travis sat on the armrest, Aidan looked around until their PS4 caught his eye. " Y/N can I play on the PS4?" He asked. I shrugged and looked at Travis he nodded and helped him get it set up.

~Time skip~

I walked upstairs to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

(Can anyone seen were this is going and don't cheat, comment your guesses)

I was already naked and I had just my unclipped my bra when the door flung open. S**t. I was completely naked infront of Travis. Of all people the universe just had to let it be the perv.

~3rd person~

Travis' legs wobbled as they were about to give way. He was having a nose bleed.

Anime fans should get this

He shakily walked towards (Y/N) who was desperately trying to cover herself. However luck was on her side at this moment because as if on cue Aidan ran into the room kick Travis right were it hurt.

~Your POV~

I took my shower and then tended to Travis. I was dressed and was sitting beside Travis who I'd dragged to his bed I was patiently waiting to wake up.

~Time skip~      ~Travis' POV~

I woke up lying down on a bed I tried to sit up but I couldn't so I reached go out something. I moved my hand around until my fingers met something. It was soft yet rubbery and a quite large. Like a rubbery putty. I grabbled it and sat up, as I did so it moved a bit. I opened my eyes to see what I was holding. S**t. I'm dead.

I could see (Y/N)'s face red with her fringe shadowing her eyes. She just sat there not moving. I should have some fun. My perverted mind thought. I grabbed harder and was enjoying myself until that kid walked in and slapped me.

"Don't lay one of your filthy hands on my sister" he spat.

I gulped. He really was Katelyn and
(Y/N)'s little brother.

A/N: so how's I do please vote if you want more chapters like this if not say so in the comments. My perverted mind was having a little to much fun writing this, but I hope it's good none the less.

~ Author Sama out 💜

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