Camping trip pt.2

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The song has nothing to do with the story. Btw it's morning

I woke up with Aaron's arms around me. My hair was a mess and we are still laying down on the grass. I woke up and took a the 7 giant marshmallows out of my pocket and ate 3 then woke up Aaron. I gave him the other 4 then we walked back to camp with me following my nose. I then hid my ears and tail and walked back to the fire.

At our footsteps, heads instinctively turned

Katelyn: Y/N!

Kate's eyes were red she has tears still pouring down her face. She stood there in disbelief. The boys' including Aph, Mckayla and KC's mouths were hanging open. I didn't understand until Mckayla set off the fangirling bomb which Aph and KC followed.


Aph: AND


Mckayla: ARE

Aph: A


I only then looked down and realised that my fingers were interlocked with Aaron's. I immediately dropped his hand, which made them cover my face. Flustered I ran into my tent stealing done sausage and eggs. Started eat ignoring the constant 'are you okays'

Eventually Dante barged into my tent univited. I was watching anime on my phone using my mobile data. I had cocooned myself. He seemed shocked but later brought himself to sit next to me. I didn't even turn to look at him after that, so he took out my left ear plug thing and put it in his ear and watched with me.

Dante had his arm wrapped around my hip. It wasn't long until he got bored though.

Dante: Hey, Y/N do why watch some anime guys strip down when you can watch me

He whispered huskily in my ear. My face darkened and I pushed him away trying to get out of his grasp. I shoved him really hard and stopped out of my tent a blushing mess. I went off looking for Mckayla but instead I managed to get Mr I-flirt-with-every-girl-I-see. Yay. Just my luck. I was lazy and decided to hang with him.

Travis: hey beautiful did you it hurt when you fell from heaven

Y: first, haven't you used that pickup line before, and second no I dug my way up from hell

Travis: Fine then ...... Stress those space pants cuz your out of this world

I would my eyes and replied

Y: No, not even close their basketball shorts cuz I'm out of your league.

Travis: fine how about Is your dad a baker because you go-

I get on my tiptoes and kiss Travis on the cheek hoping he would stop his unoriginal pickup lines

Y: there now please stop with the unoriginal pickup lines they're too painful

Travis stared at me blankly for a few seconds then his confused expression grew into a smile. Then a heard him make a small squeal and his cheeks were tinted with a bit of pink. He ran off behind a tent then there were some 'TRAVISSSSS's and some 'Wth man's and a few 'stop lying she wouldn't kiss you anywhere's  I walked off and continued looking for Mckayla.

A/N: so this short ik but I updated earlier cuz Catgamer101 told me too so there's that. And I was thinking comment if Aaron should become a werewolf and if Y/N should addmit to being a werewolf.

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Bai luv you my oreos

~Author Sama out 💜

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