Camping trip

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~Aphmau's POV~

Since it's 2018 and all I think it would nice if spent a lot more of this year outside. I've spoken with the guys, Katelyn and KC and they seem to be fine with it so it's decided we'll leave in 3 days

~3 days later~

~Your POV~

Ugggggffhhhhhhh(that's me moaning)
Aph literally just told me we're going camping. I am not looking forward to it coz why in the name of Irene would you you sleep outside with 'nature' aka diseases, insects, vermin and wild untamed animals! So of course I'm the last one to be told about this. I bet Kate told her not to tell me. This also means I have only about an 3 hour to pack, tent and all.

~after packing~

I have a bit of time left so...Anime!

The episode is at the top of not here
(Is it just me or does Bel remind anyone of Travis? Just me? Ok)
Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon episode 7.

So now I have to enter a car and stay sitting for about another for hours, YAY! (Sarcasm)

Aph says everyone's down stairs so I'm walking the stairs it's still kinda annoying that nobody told me about this especially Garroth I thought we'd grown really close over the past couple of days! But the thing or Mckayla didn't know until today so that's good knowing she doesn't keep secrets from me.

Anyways as I walked down the stairs the boys immediately dropped everything. (Yes literally everything Xbox controllers, plates sandwiches, pickup lines *cough* Travis *cough*.) Their eyes were funded on me which made me blush a bit. I was wearing a (sorry I'm feeling lazy rn do use your imagination) it wasn't exactly my first choice but Mckayla somehow persuaded me to wear it.

~Zane's POV~

(Y/N) looks so beautiful. The saddest part is that thinking about it more I know she's completely out of my league. She's probably got her eyes on Garroth or something no way she likes me or anything more than a best friend, or even that.

A/N: it's be it's half term break for about a week. It's short I know but thank you for those who put up with my bull shit. So another vote thing I think I'll be doing more of these.

Who do u want to spend more time with?











Bai luv you my oreos

~Author Sama out 💜

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