Sleep over

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The episodes are up there pls don't play until I say so cause they weren't working when I tried to put them down normally

I went down stairs to go warm some leftover pizza in the oven when Aph came down stairs to watch some fairy tail (this exactly what I do every Saturday and Sunday morning as soon as I wake up) I hand her a purple plate with her slice on it. I then took mine and sat on the couch enjoying the episode

(Episode 202 btw)

We then decided to actually start the day and get dressed. I went to go take a shower and got dressed into

I tried my hair up into a braid and dashed over to the Zane's house.

~one walk to Zane's house later~

~Zane's POV~

I was up in my bedroom watching my little horsies when I heard a loud knock at the door. I then turned the TV's volume down so whoever was at the door couldn't hear it. I then walked downstairs at the so I was really really mad which was because they interrupted one of the best episodes of my little Horsies ever. I saw the last person who is have ever expected to see (Y/N). She actually took time visit me. I was shocked I moved out of the door gesturing for her to come in she then sat on my couch.

(Y/N): so.....what should we do
Zane: Dunno
(Y/N): how about we bake something
Zane: sure but I would love to taste your cupcakes if that's ok with you
(Y/N): sure i LOVE cupcakes you have everything we need
Zane: I think so
(Y/N):cool I'll check

So I guess I'll be baking with (Y/N) now. She Put on an (F/C) apron that she found in the pantry. I guess Aph forgot it there from the last time we
baked. She then began to make the frosting whilst I started to make the cupcake batter. I accidentally dropped some flour on (Y/N)'s jeans and she got a whole lot and dumped in on my hair.

~Your POV~

Zane got my jeans dirty so I got his hair dirty. I swear he could have been Travis' twin! I then giggled and dotted frosting on his nose. I began to giggle he looked hilarious. We then put the cupcakes in the oven and sat with Zane on the couch to watch fairy tail.

I then got the cupcakes out of the oven and decorated them. I used (F/C)
Icing with some sprinkles. I was just about finishing when Zane shouted out " (Y/N) look there's a unicorn flying around outside!" I ran to that door pressing my face against the window hoping to see the unicorn. When turned around and saw Zane helping himself to some cupcakes!
ZANE! I yelled. I giggled whilst he ran. He tricked me and tried to steals
MY cupcakes no steals MY cupcakes. I then threatens to take buttershy hostage if he didn't give the cupcakes backs and he surprisingly gave them back no hesitation. We had just settled down when i then got a text from Aph saying:
-Psst play the video and watch it
Aph-a  (Y/N)-y

A-hey (Y/N) the I'm having a sleepover wanna come
Y-yeah seeing as I live with with u
A-cool ttyl

~Zane's POV~

(Y/N) seems really cool like Katelyn I love how adorable she it's quite funny like when she chased me to get the cupcakes of off me. What wasn't cool is when she threatened me. So she's cute and evil at the same time. When I put on fairy tail after we had finished baking her eyes widened she hugged me which made me feel a Hotness in science what is this feeling saying Zane. She place her head on my shoulder watched I felt my cheeks burn then she was adorable, and kinda hot . ZANE stop that makes a that sound like Travis. As my cheeks began to cool down I saw (Y/N) text someone I saw the name Aph and that word sleepover so I guess Aph's having a sleepover

~time skip~

~Your POV~

Omi I love watching anime with Zane.
Under that's rough edge lord exterior he's actually hang out and watch fairy tail with and i'm so glad that aph invited everyone to have a sleepover/pool party.

~time skip~

~Zane's POV~

So I have to be around other people. Cos I have to go to a sleepover that Aph invited me to she's lucky she's my best friend I so don't want to go party but at least I get to see (Y/N).

~time skip sorry bout all the time skips I'm feeling really lazy~

~Your POV~

It was 8:45 and people had already started to arrive Travis, Zane, Dante, Lucinda, Garroth, Laurence everyone except Aaron but the guys said he had a late shift at work he couldn't make it. So we watched a bit of netflix midway through the show when a guy with dark raven hair walked through the door. A face I never thought I'd see again. "Hey pup"

A/N: and it ends there this chapter is getting way too long I'll make a part 2 later. sorry if I made a spelling mistake I did no checking cuz I'm lazy bai

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