Diagnosed pt.2

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A/N: this is out of laziness

~Garroth's POV~


I flinched as I heard (Y/N) call my name. I got up anyways. I ran downstairs skiping a couple of steps.

She plopped her self down onto the couch. Hesitantly I sat next to her.
I felt a warm presence over my hand and realised it was her's.

Y: Your shaking Garroth are you ok

Garroth: Y-yeah

She nodded and looked towards the PS4 then looked at me again. I nodded and she dived down on the floor to set it up.

~Time skip~

We we played street fighter 5 she was Chunli and I was Ryu. She completely owned me I especially suprised when she used chun-li's special move one her 'first go' at the game. And when I looked over at her controller it turned out she was just spamming her the controller. And there I was thinking she was going to be an easy win.

Y: Yay I won

She said jumping up and down. I sighed in defeat.

Y: im hungry I'll get something quick k

I nodded and she walked off

~Time skip to the end of the day~

A/N: sorry my oreos my mom caught me watching anime at 2am on a Monday. So blame her. Now I have to give her my phone, tablet and iPad at 8:30 so sorry for not updating

~ Author Sama out 💜

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