Girls day out

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I love animatics. Btw this isn't related to the story. This is Its not like I you by satic-p

~Your POV~

A couple of days had passed and Zane and I still hasn't spoken to eachother and it drives driving me crazy. One morning I was (ajchjfdfgjgf I'm so mad my phone is telling me words like was and the are spelt incorrectly like wtf autocorrect) thinking out loud. I really miss him maybe I should visit him or apologize. Irene I'm a mess.


Y: yeah

Aph: so watcha doing

Y: nothing

Aph: so your not thinking about Zane and yours arguement.

Y:N-no he's a jerk

Aph: really


Aph: I know your lying

Y: Is is it really that obvious

Aph: Ugh n-yeah


Aph: don't worry you'll make up again

Y:are you sure

Aph: Aph yeah I know my little fat nugget he's probably thinking about you right now

Y: *hugs aph* thanks

Meanwhile at Zane's house

~Zane's POV~

Zane just go apologize already. But what if she hasn't forgiven you already. What if she thinks your a bit clingy. Ughhh why emotions, why do you make me so... so feely. How about I go say sorry and say I chat with Aph. Yeah that's what I'll do
~Laurence's POV~


"I'll get it" I called out from the kitchen. I opened the door to see Cyclops "Yo Laurence who is it?" (Y/N)'s angelic voice asked "It's just Zane" I replied

Zane: I'm here to talk to Aph

Laurence: she's out on a girls day out

Zane: with (Y/N)

Laurence: no she's in

Zane: then can I speak to her

Laurence: sorry but it's just us come back later

Zane: no I'm coming in

Laurence: no your not

Zane: yes I am

Laurence: no your not

Zane: yes I am

Laurence: no your not

Zane: yes I am

Laurence: no your not

Zane: yes I am

Laurence: no your not

Zane: yes I am

Laurence: no your not

Zane: yes I am

Y: can you guys just stop

Laurence: no your not

Zane: yes I am

Laurence: no your not

Zane: yes I am

Y: y'know what I'll just go hang with the other guys you two can keep squabbling like babies ok bye

Oh and lock the doors when your leaving

~time skip~

~Your POV~

"I'll get it" I heard Travis say

Warning- a serious level of flirting up head

"Hey babe quick question. Is your dad a baker cos you got some nice bu-"
I cut him of with my fist to his stomach. "Actually my dad is a retired wrestler" I said. "Sorry" he winced "but a guy can't help but admire that wonderful butt you've got there" I growled and Travis flinched. "...I don't have a library card but can I check you out " I sighed not wanting to deal with his garbage I walked in to say hi to Dante and Garroth. They were playing overwatch. They didn't seem to notice me so I grabbed Garroth from back and tickled him

G:wth*laughs*Y/-*laughs*plea-*laughs* stop*laughs*

D: lol *chuckles*

Y: It's your turn

D: Oh hell no I saw what happened to Garroth

I chased him around the house down until I cornered him against a wall. I pushed him and leaned closer as I readied my hands I felt Dante's arms latch around my waist as he pulled me closer. I was trapped. I squirmed and grunted trying to free myself this only made him chuckle. I pouted and said "Dante please let g-" I was cut of with a passionate kiss it was a bit rough similar to the way Gene kisses me I didn't kiss back I just stood still whilst Dante had the time of his life I let out a small moan. My ears and tail were now visible and Dante grabbed my tail and slowly petted it. This made my face heat up I was really surprised. When I had finally managed to push him of we parted it was not at all how how I'd expected things to have gone down.

A/N: Ok I can explain so when someone kisses you a certain way with a certain amount of love this trigger and your ears and tail to come out. Having this being said only Laurence Dante & Gene know about your secret Travis knows but he's forgotten. And Gene cheated on you with Sasha and ditched you on you prom night to have sex with her. But he's ditched her and wants you back.
Yeah. And remember I love you.

Author Sama out~💜

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