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A/N: quick one, shout out to my new bff KrayzKawaiichan she's done a new story 'lame to fame' it's really good so check it out bai

~3rd person~

it was around three days before Christmas Aph as usual was planning a party. Travis was thinking of pick up lines to try get (Y/N) to fall for him. Garroth and Laurence were watching videos on how to attract the opposite sex. Zane and (Y/N) were watching my little ponies. KC was in her shipping shrine. Katelyn was listening to her 1d music in her room. Everything was normal.
Omg I just realized I haven't added Aaron in (or I have or have just forgotten and being me I'm to lazy to check)

~your POV~

"Pinkie cake no" Zane whisper shouted. "Flutter sky don't listen to rainbow boom" I moaned. I then heard an ear piercing knock "Grrr I'm coming" I paused the TV and angrily sulked I opened the door to see a tall man in a thin red jacket. I paired him to a description that Aph gave me and made him out too be Aaron "Aph Aaron's here" I called out and Aph came running down. They both nodded to eachother and walked to the kitchen together. I shrugged it off and ran up to stairs to my room I walked in to see Zane had almost finished our cupcakes we were ment to be sharing and he'd unpaused the episode of mlp. I gasped in disbelief and quickly rushed out to get the perfect revenge.

~40 minutes later~

I came back with 70 fresh backed strawberry cupcakes and 7 limited edition ponies that I knew Zane didn't have. I waltzed in my room playing it cool then slowly walked infront of Zane making sure he got a glimpse of the ponies and the cupcakes. His jaw dropped and so did the remote in his hand "(Y-Y/N) do you know those ponies are limited edition and they are one of a hundred" Zane spluttered. "I know" I said casually.
He reached his finger out to stroke the plastic consealing the ponies. I moved them away, I opened my pack Of cupcakes and began eating. I could see Zane stare at my purchases eagerly. At one point he tried to take on of my cupcakes which resulted in his hand red.

~3 days later~

"OMI I forgot presents" I internally moaned. I remembered that I only needed gifts for Zane Garroth and Aaron. I settled on two of my limited edition ponies for Zane. A new ps 4 for Garroth and a box of deodorant a huge box of chocolates for Aaron as well as $500. I then rushed to the store. (Sorry if this is bad I have a migraine/headache and I'm super tired)

~time skip~

I had wrapped of the presents and popped them under the tree and. I had already finished with the dinner. Aph was welcoming in the guys along with Dad and Sylvana ( did I spell her name right) Mrs and Mr Ro'meave and Cadenza and Aaron.

~time skip~

The room was filled with laughter and chatting as everyone dined. I was privileged enough to sit next to Katelyn who would make sure Travis wouldn't try anything.

Eric: So which one of you boys has the hots for (Y/N

The boys' faces turn beetroot red.

Y: Dddddaaaaddddd

Eric: but strawberry puff (Ik it's bad, I couldn't think of a nickname) I was just asking.

Y: there's no reason to ask that I'm freaking adult

Eric: Not in my eyes your still a baby in big girls clothes strawberry puff

Y: Stop your imbarrassing me

Travis: ...So...Strawberry puff

Y: Shut up *your face is tomato red right now*

Aph: *sweatdrops* So how's life with Eric mom

Sylvana: Really good were planning on a vacation for Christmas mija

Aph: Cool


Aph: I'll get it

Y: What is it

Aph: a present for you it was on the porch

A/N: Merry Christmas or Xmas I hope this was decant sorry it's late my cousin came over and killed my phone and it took forever to charge and I was ill so yeah. But I luv u all

~ Author Sama out 💜

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