•Jungkook X Umji•

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"Umji-ah! I'm leaving!" My mom yells, hurrying me up.

"Okay!" I waddle down the stairs and wear my jacket which my mom zips up for me. She hasn't told me where we are going yet, I wonder why.

"Where are we going?" I ask, my curiosity not settling inside of me.

"We are going to go to a friend's birthday party, his name is Jungkook." She replies, trying to concentrate on the road ahead of her.

Jungkook? My friend? Yea right. "I don't want to go!" I whine.

"It's his 5th birthday party! You have to celebrate!"

"But I don't want to!" I smack my hand against my car seat but I regret it soon after.

My mom sighs, "Please Umji, do it for the sake of your mother."

"Hmph, fine," I grumble. "I hate you Jungkook."

We rang the doorbell once we arrived at his giant house, his family is rich.

His mom opens the door with a short boy standing behind her, only peeking ever so slightly. That's probably this Jungkook boy. He had the widest eyes I ever saw, so big I thought they would pop right out. He looked mostly like a typical Korean boy so I didn't know what to expect.

"I can't believe you made it!" His mom squeals and pulls my mom in for a hug.

The Jungkook boy bows a little, "Annyeong....." he whispers.

I return the bow and the greeting, "Jungkook?"

He nods, "Who are you?"

"I'm Umji, the coolest girl in town."

He looks a little intimidated by me but that's a good thing. I'll be able to boss him around easily.

"Why are we standing out here? Come on in!" His mom opens the door wider, allowing ourselves to squeeze through.


10 years later (Both are 15 but Umji is 1 month older than Jungkook ;)

"Jungkook-ah! Give me some water!" I dangle my water bottle right in front of his face.

He groans as he stands up, "I can't believe I let you boss me around for 10 years straight."

"Cause in the coolest girl in town," I laugh, remembering what I said when I first introduced myself to him. He rolls his eyes before he walks away. It has been handy having a guy friend that is younger than me by one month. Normally I wouldn't feel so confident and in powered but thanks to him, I am.

Not much longer later I see him walking as slowly as possible towards me. "Here," he says, tossing it onto my lap resulting in a big waterfall.

"Hey! You spilt it on me!" I scold him, patting my pants dry.

"Oops, my bad," he offers me napkins as he smirks.

"You did that on purpose, you little— HEY! COME BACK HERE!" I chase after him, spilling more of the water as I stood up. He collapses on the field which is made out of fake green grass.

"I hate you." I lie down next to him.

"I love you too." He laughs and pets my hair.


"I don't want him to leave." I complain to my mother as she cooks me breakfast.

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