•SinB X Taehyung•

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I knew what I was getting into but that didn't stop me from doing it.


I agreed because he was my crush.

I agreed because he was a handsome guy.

I agreed because I loved him.

I agreed because I thought he was nice.

I agreed because I thought he loved me.


"You're amazing," he said. 

A lie.

"I couldn't be happier with anybody else," he swings our hands that were interlocked.

Another lie.

"You're perfect."

A third lie. 

But the sad thing was that I believed him. I believed everything he said and trusted him with my heart. But I know he doesn't mean anything he says. He's a playboy. Goes off and makes out with every girl he sees and dates them for a while until breaking their heart. He throws out the relationship like a piece of garbage, useless and filthy. Or a diamond smashing apart. It was something precious for a while but now shattered to pieces. 

I wish I never gave him myself. I wish I never saw him. I wish he never came to this school. He was my first and only boyfriend. 

Kim Taehyung, you're a big fat liar. 


He is a cheater too. In both ways I mean.

He cheats off of innocent smart students that work their butts off to get into top universities. And then there's him,

an alcoholic drug addict guy that spends the night clubbing and drinking. Not to mention that he's underage. 

I could easily bring him to jail. But I'm nice. Too nice. That's a problem.

The night that I won't forgot no matter how long ago it has happened. Whether it be 10 days or 10 years ago, I see it fresh in my memories. 

It started off as a fine, usual, boring day. I got up, brushed my teeth, went to a cafe to do some homework, and then, the party.

The moment I stepped into his car was when I knew I should've left. 

I should've turned around and broke up with him.

I should've.

But there isn't any point of thinking what I should've had done, isn't it? Adding more stress to my life than there already is.

The party started.

He abandoned straight from the bat. I stood there waiting like a lost puppy for him to come back. I wanted to feel his strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me towards him, making me feel safe. But instead, I saw him do that to another girl. He thought I wasn't watching. 

But I do, Kim Taehyung. I notice every single detail you make.

You knew I have social anxiety. You knew how fcking hard it is to go up to someone and say hi. You knew I hate people who brings me to places but ends up leaving me. You knew I hate people who cheats. And you knew that I especially hate people who lie.

You knew everything about me but you decided that I didn't matter to you anymore. 

I saw you disappear with a girl upstairs. It was obvious of what you two were about to do. You can't say you didn't. You can't deny and make up lies that you think I am going to believe. I am not your pet that you think you can toy around with without breaking my feelings. 

I followed you. 

Bad mistake.

I wish I could turn around.

I wish I could tell myself it wasn't you.

I wish I could tell myself you still love me.

I wish I could tell myself I haven't been cheated on. 

I wish my life could go back to the way it is.


I remember your expression.

You jumped away and yelled my name. Tears flooded my eyes as I ran away. Did you chase after me? 


Would that make anything a little better?


But you stayed there, inside that room with that girl. 

That's what hurts me the most.


The next day you came up to me and denied what I saw last night. You promised me that it was a mistake. You said you were sorry. Sorry wasn't in your eyes. You didn't care. This was all a show. You begged for my forgiveness. 

"I'm so sorry SinB."

Sorry for nothing?

"I promise it'll never happen again."

Promises will always get broken.

And then he told me the biggest lie he has ever said,

"I love you."


"It's ironic how our hearts can still get hurt by something we've seen coming."


Wow i feel productive writing this one shot but i have a science test tomorrow so i better go study. i have 2 more couples on my to do list for one shots so feel free to comment ^^


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