•Umji X Yoongi Part 2•

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Umji: Welcome everyone! Right now it's 11:50 pm and Yoongi's birthday is in 10 minutes! We are going to surprise him with a cake and by we, it means Gfriend and BTS, excluding Yoongi, of course. *shows everyone who is waving and smiling*

Jimin: I drew a cute little heart for him on the cake *grabs camera and zooms onto it*

Jungkook: I could of done a much better job *gets hit by Eunha* hey!

Eunha: I like Jimin's heart. It's cuter than you.

Jungkook ruffles her hair. Eunha: Hey!

Umji takes the camera back. Umji: Everybody ready? *everyone nods* okay, let's go!

Jimin hands Umji the cake and they all stand outside his door. Everyone: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday de- *Yoongi opens the door, annoyed*

Yoongi: Why are you guys here?

Everyone: Dear our annoying but adorable Yoongi! Happy birthday to you!

Umji: Make a wish!

Yoongi smiles because he loves when his members surprise him. When he was younger, he never had a birthday cake or even told him happy birthday. It made him feel loved.

Yoongi blows out the candles and gives Umji a quick peck on the lips. Umji turns away, blushing.

Yoongi grabs the camera. Yoongi: Even though I hate all of them the most, I still love them the most. Thanks guys.

Umji: Hope you all enjoyed surprising Yoongi wih us!

AWWW i wish i had friends like them
^^ they are family. Afterall, they're our wednesday family.
Happy birthday Yoongi!
Sending love from all over the world!

Sowon emerges from the back. Sowon: After this, we are going to celebrate by drinking! But don't worry, I won't let these kids become drunk. *Jin stands next to her*

Jin: And if Sowon becomes drunk which she will *Sowon smacks his arm* I'll make sure everyone is okay.

Umji: You know what, they'll both become drunk and I'll have to take care of them. *Sowon and Jin glares at her* Anyways, we will see you guys in our next vlive! Bye!

Everyone: Bye bye!

*ends vlive*

And now, will Sowon and Jin stick to their word? Find out in part 3!


Just kidding, i wouldn't make a part 3 of a oneshot. Afterall, oneshots are not supposed to have 2 parts. But anyways, let's find out!

After the broadcast ended, they all went to a barbecue resturant to eat for Yoongi's birthday. They ordered some alcohol with it because afterall, you can't celebrate without some alcohol!

Everyone took a oneshot, even Umji and SinB, who are now aledgble to drink.

Umji's tolerance is very weak which she has to be careful of.

While everyone took 5 more shots, Umji was starting to become drunk. Luckily for her, Yoongi has a very high tolerance.

"Poor Umji, you are already drunk." Yoongi picks her up and sits her on his lap.

"I don't feel good..." Umji mumbles. Yoongi picks her up and carries her.

"We're leaving!" Nobody listens to them, all lost in their own little world. Especially Sowon and Jin who drank a little to much.

Once they reach their dorm, he carries her to the washroom to throw up.

"Good girl," he says, patting her back. Once finished, he carries her to their bed. "I'll make you some soup."

Yoongi feeds her, smiling. No matter how she is or looks like, he loves her.

"Go to sleep, Umji." He says.

Umji shakes her head, half awake. "Happy birthday Yoongi."

Yoongi laughs, "You need some rest."

"I'm the one who is supposed to take care of you on your birthday." Umji mumbles.

"Right now, I'm the one who needs to," Yoongi kisses her on the forehead. "You are the best gift that has ever been given to me."


Hoped you enjoyed this two parted Vlive! I was going to only make one part but then it would be too long.

Who is your favourite ship in bangchin?

You can clearly see I love Sumji a lot 😂

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