•SinB X Jimin•

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"Thank you." She whispered as her body shook his arms. Her fragile state made him want to protect her even more.

"I will always protect you, no matter what."


I plug my ear phones into my ear, blocking out the yelling and glass bottles shattering. My mom and my step father were in a heated fight. My step father wanted my mom to send me into an orphan home.

My eyes fluttered shut. I took in a deep breath, forgetting everything that happened today. My dad left me, and it's been 5 years.

My mom is an alcohol addict and my step father is a drug addict. Seems like my mom isn't the mom I knew when I was younger. We used to go on walks together on the beach, smiling as the waves crashed onto the sand. My dad would run up behind my mom and pick her up and spin her around. I would admire how perfect my parents were.

But everything has changed now,

for the worst.

I wake up to the sun streaming into my room. Silence. They must of left to a casino to gamble with the money that is slowly disappearing.

My friend, Jimin comes up to me with his messy bed hair. "Ready for another day of torture?"

Seeing that I was not in my usual mood, he hugs me from behind. "You okay?"

I nod my head, hiding the sadness away. "I'm g-good..."

Jimin was always a person I admired. He was friendly, smart, caring, and always knew if somebody was down. My first time seeing him was when he helped someone pick up their books. Jimin smiled, his eyes disappearing, and walked away.

"What's wrong?" He now says for the third time today. I told him to shake it off and that I was fine, but he wouldn't shut up about it.

I never told anyone that I get abused by my step father. I do have scars but I always covered them up. My mom doesn't know that though. But she's not any better.

"Just tired."

He bits his lips. "SinB...."

"You can tell me anything, okay? I won't ju-"

"Just stop!" I slam my hands onto the lunch table. Jimin jumps back in surprise.

"I'm s-sorr-"

I ignore Jimin for the rest of the day and run back home. I smell smoke as soon as I open the door. I see my step father smoking, on the couch.

Before I could run upstairs, he spots me and drops his cigar onto the couch. He blocks the staircase.

"Where's mom?" I steady my voice.

"She's out drinking." Under his breath, he mutters, "Dumb b*tch."

"But don't worry, dad, is here instead." He grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me to him. I shut my eyes close in fear.

"C-Can I g-go to my r-room?"

"Of course you can," He says. "after I give you another scar to add to your collection."

He then proceeds to punch me, targeting my stomach which is my most sensitive part. "How's that, SinB? Does it make you feel like the garbage you are?"

My step father spits at me as he continues to spew out horrible words. "As soon as you turn sixteen years old, your mom is going to kick you out of this family, as you should be. You're a b*tch! You hear me? A B*TCH!"

I bite back my tears and internally cry. I have tried to run away but the police always finds me and takes me back to this house. After smashing a beer bottle on my stomach, he leaves me alone.

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